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  1. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    To all the people I've come across over the last couple of weeks thanks the fun times, its been epic.  From starting out running copper in a hatchback to being a friend and associate of the top rebel gangs.  I remember when I got my first gun, a machine pistol, so nervous I'd get caught with it...
  2. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    [No message]
  3. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    I'll have to edit the rest, i'm not uploading 10gb it will have my network locked up for hours.  I had intended to spend some time making a cool vid of our bank robbery but kind of lost the will a bit now :(
  4. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    [No message]
  5. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    So its 5 mins from server restart we decide to go to Kavala and have some fun, fully expecting the server to loose connection at any time.  I used Cell Phone to text admin asking if we can cause mayhem in Kavala.  I then do the same to the police, twice.  We run into the police station screaming...
  6. Jimbo Jones

    Holy Momma

    Well I've only been learning video editing for the last couple of days and I hope the footage I have holds out and I can give you a show ;)
  7. Jimbo Jones


    Yeah I'll bring a weapon next time so I can swagger, I got seasick editing the video with all the head bobbing.
  8. Jimbo Jones


    OMG and its dropped from 1080p to 360 :( Edit: 1080 available once more :)
  9. Jimbo Jones


    Aha it worked in the end, was 30 mins of processing not the advertised ten.
  10. Jimbo Jones


    Starting upload, again :( Just so you're aware, 29 years of computing, never made a video before, decided I needed to teach myself the other day :P
  11. Jimbo Jones


    This is in place of a F'd up Youtube upload Damn you Virgin internet, our whole home network went down with 3 mins left of upload, now youtube won't process :(
  12. Jimbo Jones

    Vehicle Skins - You Decide!

    Matt finish like Knight Rider, handbrake off road and "Stealth mode Kit!" It's even got the salt flats in the video!
  13. Jimbo Jones

    Part 2 of My Sorta live Saturday night video experience.

    My only comment "Shit Happens!" :P
  14. Jimbo Jones

    Rebal For the cartel that took my salt tonight

    If your out of town and the Cartel descend on you, co-operate, we role play and if you pay your dues and do as you're told you won't get harmed (usually :P )
  15. Jimbo Jones

    i got banned for getting stuck in a tank

    Zak you got booted from our gang for VDM on a guy we announced in group chat as Friendly.  We also let the other rebel gang know we had no affiliation with you hence your execution in Athira.  You can't bugger about with the big boys without retribution, spinning around in reverse circles around...
  16. Jimbo Jones

    Officers cowards

    Hehehe how cool are Spike traps, well done Carl for getting your hands on that.  "The shadow" I was on TS talking to one of your officers  about a ceasefire, was the killshot and loss of gear necessary? Tazer out of charge?
  17. Jimbo Jones

    Officers cowards

    Awesome show but its left me slightly bloodthirsty and tipsy as me and the mrs, might have had a bit of wine and munch whilst we watched.  Watch out atlis here I come!
  18. Jimbo Jones

    Officers cowards

    FML. Virgin Media network goin intermittent good luck all, rebel and police, let me know how it all works out :) Hurrah for Game of Thrones recorded :P
  19. Jimbo Jones

    Officers cowards

    You need to get confirmation from admin dude, we did but we had to wait ten mins, I was low on food and water and I'm not sure what the fuel consumption is like in a hummingbird but there was no way we could just hover ten mins after donator, rebel base, then athira trip.