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  1. Tyrese Butterworth

    Please unban me, apparently for RDM (Denied)

    Ok, so I remember playing on this server a while back and there was some sort of war in Kavala and lots of people were being killed, I picked up a pistol and instantly got shot at, I returned fire and killed him, 5 mins later, I was banned permanently for "RDM" even though it was self-defense...
  2. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    Thanks :D and I understand but it still says I'm banned :(
  3. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    Will I be getting unbanned? :)
  4. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    Well, if it's RDM I guess it is and I'm sorry and I won't do it again :)
  5. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    Because there were like 3 rebels in Kavala shooting, there were also civilians in the city taking the cops guns and shooting other ones with it. By the way the server was restarting in like 2 minutes. I just find it unfair that everyone else was RDMing and I find a gun and kill a rebel then get...
  6. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    I was in Kavala I believe, and I just got banned as soon as I killed him. He didn't say anything to me when he shot me. Please unban me, I won't do anything wrong :)
  7. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    My in game name is Jamal or Marksman, not sure which one it was when I got banned but, I got banned because I found a gun, and I picked it up, then a rebel shot at me then I killed him and I got banned because of RDM :( please unban me :)
  8. Tyrese Butterworth

    I got banned, please unban me.

    I got banned and I don't know why. I really liked this server as well :(
  9. Tyrese Butterworth


  10. Tyrese Butterworth

