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  1. B

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the server!  Follow the rules and get us know you : )
  2. B

    What big feature do you want next?

    You could also add heavy delivery job. So you can't use choppers or fast cars. The same stuff as smuggling but legal.
  3. B

    What big feature do you want next?

    Tru dat. I find it very hard to complete Iron/Copper job safely. I get mugged almost every single time. It's not fair as far as many players prefer peacefull roleplay. Such players should feel safer and it's not possible at this point. I think it's ridicilous that players can't defend...
  4. B

    Let's max it out! - Bloody

    I can change i5 4690 for 4690k so it won't be any problem. I forgot to tell that I already have 8 GB of RAM. I'd love some case with lighting inside. So it looks outstanding.
  5. B

    Let's max it out! - Bloody

    Greetings friends! Maybe I picked the wrong place to ask you guys but I'll take the risk. Basicly I'm building new PC and I already have some specs but I also want to add some suitable things. So.. I ready have Graphics: GTX 970 Msi PCU: Intel i5 4690 And the cooling fan. What can you...
  6. B

    What big feature do you want next?

    As a person with quite big amount on my bank account I like doing delivery jobs and I'd like to see more profit delivery jobs. It's quite fun, for me at least but I'm quite sure some people enjoys them too.
  7. B

    What big feature do you want next?

    If you could point the ideas that you fond attractive I'd be greatfull. It would be a lead for me in any other ideas.
  8. B

    What big feature do you want next?

    In my opinion there are not enough "water based" jobs. I'd love to see more of them so boats can actualy become really usefull. Maybe that won't affect all the factions but maybe found new Special Forces Unit like GIGN/SAS/Grom/Navy Seals to do the counter-terrorism job enforce...
  9. B

    black screen

    But still. It's an issue. Obvioualy you can avoide it by relogs or simply waiting but problem isn't going to be solved this way.
  10. B

    Greetings from the continent

    Greetings!   My name is John, I'm a 20 y.o. student from Poland and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm playing with you for about 1 week and I really like community and the server itself. I'm studying paramedics on medical university in Wroclaw (South/West Poland). I play as "[DD3]...