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  1. G

    Unban Request (Unbanned 20/03/15)

    RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.
  2. G

    Unban Request (Unbanned 20/03/15)

    I was not on duty. no one ever said so. if i was i would have had PCSO on my name.
  3. G

    Unban Request (Unbanned 20/03/15)

    Vladic Ka said this to me "When you pull the trigger on anyone on our server you must be 100% sure in your mind that that person and anyone near them know why they have been shot. You killed someone who had zero interaction with you. If people started killing each other just because they saw...
  4. G

    Currently being expelled from altis.

    Vladic Ka i see your point. And as i now quote you "When you pull the trigger on anyone on our server you must be 100% sure in your mind that that person and anyone near them know why they have been shot. You killed someone who had zero interaction with you. If people started killing each other...
  5. G

    Currently being expelled from altis.

    This is not a fight Steph i am telling the story as it is. i have no wish to become enemies with anyone. But the reason i seeked the admins out was beacuse no one seemed to listen to what i had to say and what happends the minutes before i shot him, the only response i ever got was it was RDM...
  6. G

    Currently being expelled from altis.

    Can i still play on KOTH???
  7. G

    Currently being expelled from altis.

    Wilco you misunderstand intentions, i do the poll not to justify the kill i made but to find out what people think so i can learn from it. I do not wish to challenge the admins autority but i can critical towards your decisions. puppy1004 i playe under many names, mostly CCUGhostJrDK but was...
  8. G

    Currently being expelled from altis.

    Well i have been banned, or i am actually still awaiting wilcos response but Steph told me i would get banned. And 10 other CSI and CI's from police told me that too and they arent even admins. Read the whole story here and decide for your self wether you think i was wrong or right in my...
  9. G

    Unban Request (Unbanned 20/03/15)

    Your In-game name: Frix Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198023571023 Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 01f81b63c5628c02630a0f83c328435d Date & Time you was banned: 21:00 13-03-2015 Please copy and paste the rule you broke: RDM, i still question that. But...
  10. G

    loose 2M

    And this is the guy that is getting me banned?
  11. G

    VDM/RDM complete disregard of rules. (Refused)

    In-game name: Frix Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198023571023 What was lost: 500k 350k worth of iron roughly 80k Weapon Rest was clothing attachments and ammo. Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): TRG 80k assault rifle. 15k worth of...
  12. G

    VDM/RDM complete disregard of rules. (Rejected)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [Rac] Antoine LeDingue, and [RaC] Tita LeDingue Time & Date this happened: GMT 20:48 12-03-2015 Which Server did this happen on: Server 1 Description of what happened: Cant even be described with...
  13. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    Ok it's fine. misunderstood intensions, well if it was Angar, then i was in good right to take the shot stopping mass RDMs. but he killed someone before that i saw it and from that moment i was engaged in RP making my kill legal, even tho he was restrained.
  14. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    Ah, you're the chap who sat under Kavala bridge flipping cars over and making them explode.  Lovely.     Really? getting accused for that shit now? that wasnt even me i have video evidence!
  15. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    Vincent go through the rules. Before saying that the server restarts and that is NLR beacuse then you need to read the rules and so does Angar i will gladly go through why it was not rdm now. RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on...
  16. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    And one last thing, in the video if it is to be taken as evidence as far is i know the admins will demand footage of what happened way before. I would very much like to discuss this with you on teamspeak since it is hard to express yourself on chat.
  17. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    Ohh yeah and i witnessed you kill someone, that also explains the 50k bounty in the video, i just took some sweet well deserved revenge compared to the small ticket you would have gotten instead.
  18. G

    Frix (Action: Ban Issued 14/03/2015)

    RDM? So well since you RDMed on duty and once off duty the last week, then NLR does not apply and then i still know who you are, i simply took a little off duty revenge, some may not agree with my actions. But it was far from RDM. Since i have my reasons, and Angar you are most likely the last...
  19. G

    Arma 3 1.40 Update

    wauw forgot to look at the date LOL
  20. G

    Arma 3 1.40 Update

    Server didnt restart