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  1. PhalinRed

    What would you like to see more of and less of?

    I usually come and go from RP due to the way life is atm. (I'm redownloading as I speak). The last time I played I noticed there was too much of a strong emphasis on conflict RP. You couldn't walk anywhere without someone pulling a gun on you or something. It was very tedious, I tried my hardest...
  2. PhalinRed

    Howdy, new on the Island. Potentially found a new home?

    Thank you! I'll take a look and potentially make an application very soon. This server seems very sleek and professional looking, exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you for the help!
  3. PhalinRed

    Howdy, new on the Island. Potentially found a new home?

    Indeed, I've read the rules and they're quite straightforward. And I will keep an eye open, I'll stick to green zones as much as I can while I get started. Thanks for the tip.
  4. PhalinRed

    Howdy, new on the Island. Potentially found a new home?

    Hey Guys! I've been bouncing around from place to place, never really finding a solid strict place to belong in. Hope to see you all in game! I'll be sat in TS and Discord if anyone wants to chat or just chill.