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  1. Jason Havoc

    Money Loaning part 1/4 Loan Sharking

    Thank you for your response, as stated in (G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. The transferring money will be an offence on the rules and dealt with accordingly I would assume. That's why I would suggest it is a money lending system...
  2. Jason Havoc

    Money Loaning part 4/4 Final words and explanation/reason why

    4. Final words:  With this new economy aspect, a lot more options would open up as well.   Both ideas would help out a starting player tremendously. When I started on this server and arrived in town, the 1k in my pocket and 5k in my bank was enough. But the initial grind can put people off for...
  3. Jason Havoc

    Money Loaning part 3/4 Repossesing job/impound

    Part 3/3: Repossesing job/Impound  So at this point impound is a good situation but can be improved. Grinding up to mechanic level 4 doesn't bring the benefit/reward I feel it deserves.   The only RP I have gotten out of it was one person who messaged me and I went up to impound his flipped...
  4. Jason Havoc

    Money Loaning part 2/4 Cars on credit

    Part 2/3: Cars on credit/different way of loaning money    Imagine if the car dealerships could sell cars on credit. For instance, a car for 100k could be bought with a 15% to 20% down payment. Every out of city week (or different measured time interval) they need to make a down payment on the...
  5. Jason Havoc

    Money Loaning part 1/4 Loan Sharking

    Economy /Money loaning suggestion:  Please if interested read the total concept/suggestion (4 separate posts), I have divided it in 3 sub idea’s and final words/explanation. So if you are interested in just one of them you can just vote for that part. Thank you in advance for taking the time...
  6. Jason Havoc

    Compensation Request - Jason Havoc

    All I have was the screenshot, sadly wasn't recording. Maybe in the logs of the server but that will probably be impossible to find. So sadly no more evidence then that. Spoke to 2 admins that tp'd to me and asked me to fill this form in.
  7. Jason Havoc

    Compensation Request - Jason Havoc

    22 views no response, would be lovely to know the outcome and I can get compensated.
  8. Jason Havoc

    Compensation Request - Jason Havoc

    In-game Name: Jason Havoc Steam ID: 76561198088544801 Date this happened: 07/04/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was trying to rent a truck and clicked it once. It spammed itself and spawned six trucks making me lose 25k since I only needed the one. Talked to admin in game, and he...