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[13million$]Beautiful Small house located near Kavala PD for sale!

Mr Moist

Active member

Finally selling my beautiful house with beautiful cenery. 

Really close to the Police Department in Kavala so nobody is going to be robbing it. 

Could use a bit of a touch-up though. 

As a dumpster baby I've lived in dumpsters all my life. This house has been my home since i arrived here in Kavala and its been with me thorugh thick and thin. Great shelter on rainy days. Decided to finally sell it as im getting my first job ever!

Please take good care of my house.


Please close this as it is my house, bought at August 2015. Quite litteraly... I bought it from the cops...


Finally selling my beautiful house with beautiful cenery. 

Really close to the Police Department in Kavala so nobody is going to be robbing it. 

Could use a bit of a touch-up though. 

As a dumpster baby I've lived in dumpsters all my life. This house has been my home since i arrived here in Kavala and its been with me thorugh thick and thin. Great shelter on rainy days. Decided to finally sell it as im getting my first job ever!

Please take good care of my house.

View attachment 4798
Babies don't become 18 in a week XD also... "just for a go-kart?' Him: 'Yes' ..

Bad liar...

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