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2500 hours of ArmA 3!


Avdanced Member
I just noticed when i logged out, that today i have an even 2500 hours of arma, atleast 2300 of them spent on this grand server! 

Congrats to me! And congrats to this server for having me =)

Here is a picture of @Walt  butt to make this post at least a little interesting:


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looks like he's had to do some stitch work on the back of he trousers there.

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Congratz Brat!

I remember when you and I just met and I thought you were Dutch for some reason...

Holy cow, thats alot. Just cracked 2k myself today without my wife complaining in the background.

Holy cow, thats alot. Just cracked 2k myself today without my wife complaining in the background.
Thankfully, I have the worlds most understanding girlfriend and alot of spare time due to just studying and working part time ;) I don't even wanna calculate how many days/weeks/months 2500 hours is though!
