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3rd? 4th? Formal departure.



Take care. Forum/UNMC departure, not the server.

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What?! Who's gonna post the ''UNMC Life'' videos now ?!

Take care <3

For the lazy:

This was written on the 22nd November.

I have now officially taken a step back from the UNMC, and in return probably the NHS and the server in general. When I was asked to come back I didn’t expect to find the server in the state it currently is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the worst server about, but it certainly isn’t the same community I fell in love with months ago. I’ve been battling many issues, both in game and out, since my return, most of which were dealt with swiftly. It’s not those issues anymore that bother me. It’s me and the way I am;

I take great measures to paint myself as the guy that anyone can talk to, whether friend, cop, rebel, civ, rival, anyone, but have found myself out of sorts recently. The roleplay involved in the UNMC checkpoint especially has been playing on my mind, I’ve been a very moody border guard and quite a few people have had my wrath come down upon them at the checkpoint, and it actually made me dislike myself, every time. I know this server, I know this community, RP is taken seriously, but more importantly it’s taken personally, by 99% of people, you may deny it, but you know it’s true. I may be being overly critical of myself, but then trying to be the neutral guy after what feels like every situation that has arose within the UNMC has become very draining and to be honest, I really can’t be arsed anymore.

The biggest issue I have with myself right now is this “war” with aC. I’ve become soft. Too soft. I don’t want violence and shooting people, I got that out of my system a long time ago and honestly all I want is roleplay. I seek exactly what I was looking for the last time I left the server, good, honest, non-violent roleplay that everyone can enjoy. Maybe one day Altis Most Haunted will finally air..

Unfortunately the server is once again very gun happy and the focus has severely shifted from the RP side, and to be honest, I didn’t expect the UNMC, as whitelisted rebels to follow along the same path, I’ve had enough of “preaching” my RP ways, as it seems a hopeless battle now.

I’m officially (well, spoken to Sovereign) handing by “Drill Sergeant” status over to Blaze of the UNMC, as I feel I was never worthy of it, as I was given it purely because I was the only one to volunteer for it, I did not earn it. Blaze has.

I have no issue with any individual on the server at all, as stated previously this decision was made due to issues I have with myself and my own weakness of character. If this leads to my leaving of the server, permanently this time, then I bid you farewell and if I sent you this personally, we had some good times, that I will probably always remember.

If you need me, and I’m online, I’ll be on CORE probably.

Davros: Negotiator. You  make me laugh alot. We have similar humours. Add me on steam you bitch.

Khanadmir: Fucking everything that needs RP’d. You need more credit dude.

Nils: Well. Everything angry. Seriously though, come on more, you are an amazing RP’r.

Shep: I’ve not felt a connection like we have since I met Velten. We are too similar, keep in touch.

Joe: Don’t let the admin shit get to you, please. You are an amazing guy, you have the mentality to lead, that was always proven, but don’t let that extra bit of authority lead you astray from what matters; UNMC. Keep showing them why you are 2nd in charge.

-- CORE isn't another server by the way, it's the name given to the TS i own, but don't run. So don't get your balls in a fucking twist about it. Only a select few on here people know the bloody IP for it anyway,

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A shame to see you leave once more. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. 


Was going to say good luck once again for the 5th/6th time until I seen the last line... unsure who that is towards

The server is fine and RP is on the rise along with the bans for rule breaks... I think personally Jay and correct me if I am wrong you have burnt out with "Altis Life" as you've been playing for so long.

In terms of aC... i think they have left the island (Banned)

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Sorry to see you leaving bud, enjoyed talking to you and RPing with you in-game. Hope to see you back at some point but if not, hope you enjoyed what time you did spend on here and you continue to have fun with whatever you do next.

All the best,


All the best. I think RP wise, we're in a better place than ever to be honest. Granted, we've had an influx of new players over the last few weeks and some have been awful (RP wise) but we'll get rid of those that are here to play call of duty pretty quick i'd imagine.

But anyway, good luck for the future.

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I will never forget when I was semi-new to the server, had about a million in my bank account and along comes a very drunk person, announcing the end of something called "BRC", that I just barely knew about, and offering me one million to shoot him in the leg. After some considering, I did it. And to my surprise, you gave me the million! Then you bought me my very first sport hatchback. And then you executed me.

All the best to you!

sad to see you go jay all the best for the future, what will become of sofia i wonder :ph34r: :ph34r:

Grumpy Nils does not approve


Who is going to be major from now on?

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Goodbye Jayline  :(

