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7 Million for the sale of a garage.

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Sorry this is bit late but I now need the money due to the proposal of cops requiring money to go on patrol.

In-game name: DI fisher or Sharkey

Your player ID: 76561198083781574

What was lost: A garage that I bought when 4.0 came out.

Value of item/money lost: 7 million in sale value to CI God.(500k on buying it)

Quick description of what happened:

On the launch of 4.0 I went straight to the house I had my eye on for month upon knowing that we could now own a house. I immediately went to said location and purchased the garage and then tried to buy the house besides said garage. my first thoughts where that the house was bugged and It wouldn't allow me to buy the house. it then hit me someone owned the house. Long story short the house belonged to Wilco. After breaking into his house as cops and doing a raid, which I had a warrant for, Dr Wilco showed up and deleted my car  :( (In fact ill have comp for that as well (£0)). He then told me I have to walk home or sell the garage. I walked along way that day and drank a lot of red gull equivalent of £15000 which id also like comp for. I later logged on and found I no longer owned the garage after arranging a deal with Mr CI God for 7 million British pounds. So I am requesting ownership of MY garage or 7 million British pounds in game. :p ;)  #Adminabuse :rolleyes:

PS plz don't ban me ;)

Sorry this is bit late but I now need the money due to the proposal of cops requiring money to go on patrol.

In-game name: DI fisher or Sharkey

Your player ID: 76561198083781574

What was lost: A garage that I bought when 4.0 came out.

Value of item/money lost: 7 million in sale value to CI God.(500k on buying it)

Quick description of what happened:

On the launch of 4.0 I went straight to the house I had my eye on for month upon knowing that we could now own a house. I immediately went to said location and purchased the garage and then tried to buy the house besides said garage. my first thoughts where that the house was bugged and It wouldn't allow me to buy the house. it then hit me someone owned the house. Long story short the house belonged to Wilco. After breaking into his house as cops and doing a raid, which I had a warrant for, Dr Wilco showed up and deleted my car  :( (In fact ill have comp for that as well (£0)). He then told me I have to walk home or sell the garage. I walked along way that day and drank a lot of red gull equivalent of £15000 which id also like comp for. I later logged on and found I no longer owned the garage after arranging a deal with Mr CI God for 7 million British pounds. So I am requesting ownership of MY garage or 7 million British pounds in game. :p ;)  #Adminabuse :rolleyes:

PS plz don't ban me ;)

Sorry this is bit late but I now need the money due to the proposal of cops requiring money to go on patrol.

In-game name: DI fisher or Sharkey

Your player ID: 76561198083781574

What was lost: A garage that I bought when 4.0 came out.

Value of item/money lost: 7 million in sale value to CI God.(500k on buying it)

Quick description of what happened:

On the launch of 4.0 I went straight to the house I had my eye on for month upon knowing that we could now own a house. I immediately went to said location and purchased the garage and then tried to buy the house besides said garage. my first thoughts where that the house was bugged and It wouldn't allow me to buy the house. it then hit me someone owned the house. Long story short the house belonged to Wilco. After breaking into his house as cops and doing a raid, which I had a warrant for, Dr Wilco showed up and deleted my car  :( (In fact ill have comp for that as well (£0)). He then told me I have to walk home or sell the garage. I walked along way that day and drank a lot of red gull equivalent of £15000 which id also like comp for. I later logged on and found I no longer owned the garage after arranging a deal with Mr CI God for 7 million British pounds. So I am requesting ownership of MY garage or 7 million British pounds in game. :p ;)  #Adminabuse :rolleyes:

PS plz don't ban me ;)
Bold, Sir. 

Very Bold.  :p


that location was mine from way before testing. no way on this earth anyone would buy a garage in the middle of no where for 7 million ... nice try.

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