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A CSO's diary #1


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator

With my eyes half shut, morning breath still deep in my throat, I rolled across my bed to turn the alarm off.. As my eyes got more and more use to the sunlight that peaked through the bluebrown curtains in my bedroom window, I slowly gained consious and stamped my self into the shower. The half warm water penetrating my hair and further down my body, with a shampoo taste and smell, I stood into a normal morning on the Island of Altis. For breakfast I eat boiled eggs, twi slices of crispy bacon, and a half cup of risp tea, a perfect meal! 30 minutes later, I got my uniform on, and walked down to the HQ, where my supervisor and partner was waiting for my arrival, so our daily patrol could start. 

Before lunch we experienced abit more "traffic" that we're used to on a regular wednesday morning. Our first call, was a anonymous tip about a huge drug run headed east of Kavala, to the dark side of town, where the "Drug Dealer" holds house. As first responder's, we managed to give quite alot of information to our backpu that was already onroute from Agios, North Kavala and Athira. My partner and and supervisor, SGT ***** dropped me of, so I could make my way over to the ******, to get overwatch over the situated area, while he went in, and preparing for the strike. All of a sudden, I hear this brumbling high notoriouz sound, the sound of two HMMT box's rolling in close on me, I did as any other scared CSO would do, find cover fast, and get down on ground! In my case, I landed ontop of a massive dump, probably from one of TC's members who had complained about the Kavala Restaurants fastfood earlier on the day, but lets not go too deep into that.. While laying there, I manged to give information through the radio; more and more trucks rolled insight, Citizens with high army weapon 'N guns and officers closing in on them..

As a CSO, (Community Safe Officer) my job is to monitor and learn every aspects of being able to take siuations into my own hands one day. And this situation, learned me alot. Teamwork, communication and tactics ARE the key to success, no matter what you say! Unluckely, my partner SGT ***** was shot and killed, and I was offered a seat in one of the Inspectors "Sporty" (hatchback sport), for further patrol. 

My head abit dizzed, my mind and thaughts still thinking about my old partners death, leaving he's belowed family and friends out there, most likely with alot of questions, questions I hope I'll never need to answer. But, as a Police officer, I cannot moan, I cannot break-down, I gotta keep moving, Keep on going and doing my work.

While we were driving around, we got a dispatch about a massive drug load of possible mariuana shipment alittle east of our location. INS (Inspector) ****** stamped the pedal to the medal, let the bluelights lighten up the tree's as we drove past em, rushing to interfere with the shipment. After around 4 minutes drive, we arrived at the scene, findig 3x Armed rebels in a Tempest Covered, drying and processing hand-picked weed. To our surprice, the INS had runned into a few of these lads before, and with her previous experience with some of the, she knew how to approach the situation.. With a funny tone sayin "well well well, what have we here?" The rebels met us outside of the processing building, starting to have a chat. As a CSO and new to the force, I was shaking and nearly "wetting" my pants due tothem big A** guns on their back, having a crazy mind where my gutt's keep sayin; "Fu*k fu*k fu*k, thid aint right, keep scouting Rabbit, keep looking!

No more rebels arrived, and it seemed this would be a incredible easy and quiet catch. One of the rebels fired up a HUGE joint, creating this big and massive cloud of "sweet smell". The cloud cocered the entire area, he running around like a lunitic, and officers stayin there "passive inhalating" the smoke. When the cloud wanished, we saw their truck was gone, vanished.

one of their guys, just stood there like Al Capone, almost like he knew what happened to the truck but wouldnt say anything. I didnt know what to do, neither what to expect next. After a bit of conversation, we jumped into the car and headed back for lunch. 

Around 4 hours later I was ordered to do this "Military simulation" with one of the senior's of the Police. INS *****. He had me walking in formation up and down the streets of Kavala, repeating everything he said like a scared boll'd recruit at bootcamp! After 30mins of foot patrol, shouting and embarrasement, we turned back to the HQ, for a debrief of how my forst day went. 

To my suprice, I was told by one of the Officers, that I had met the requirements needed to attend to FTT (Field Training Course), but due to lack of Instructors on duty, there werent any classes this day, and I had to wait till the next day. 

What will haooen on the FTT? Will I pass, will I fail? Will I have to re-do another patrol? Find out soon!
