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A CSO's diary #3


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
I woke up with this massive pain in my groins. Didnt know what was wrong, but It might have been a result from last night.. Wont go into details of what happened or not ;) Disregarding the pain, my day started with the ripps tea, egg's 'n bacon and that sweet hot, wet and foggy shower. I remember staying there with my hands down alongside my body, just letting the warm, awesome waterstream drop down in my face and shoulders. I woke up a bit earlier today, and could therefor give myself a few extra minutes in the tub.

When I walked out my front door, I was facinated off how many birds that was sitting on the powerline on the other side of the street. Just sitting there, enjoying the weather maybe? Dont know, but hope so! My walk was as normal, a 5minutes walk, until I got down to the HQ, where my supervisor and collegue was waiting for me. Today's supervisor was a SGT of Kavala, had been in the force long before I was born, I knew straight away, that this chief was a legend! We jumped in he's SUV, me in the passenger seat, manning the radio, we went off. As we left towards the General store, we got a dispatch regarding a ongoing robbery at the H.M Treasury. He turbed on the blue lights, got the sirens on and hit the pedal to the metal, while I radio'd into other units like a maniac. Shen we arrived at scene, we found this was nothing else than a retired NHS doctor, that was to collect he's retirement funds... After abit of talking and explaining, we prepared the area, so we could move out. The same minute, I was called on the radio, to prepare for my FTT. 

The SGT again hit the metal with the pedal, and drove through the wind down towards the NPAS (National Police Air Service), so he could fly me down to the area of Training. When I landed, the SPC was already there, ready to take me through the FTT. We began, and I felt right away that the last patrols and situations sfter my last go at the FTT was a big help! I felt I was doing good, and that the late evening nights studying the Handbook helped! I got throught it all, ehen the bastard said; 

im unfortunate to tell you that you must read urself up a bit more, cuz you passed, and u are now PCSO! I was so happy I nearly rubbed my manhood in he's face!! Now I was ready to begin a new chapter of my life, I was now ready to fulfill my duties as a Police Officer!

Now I just gotta patrol and work like a hero, untill I have to do the last and final exam in one week! 
