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A discussion about roleplay


First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to the development  team, you've done an awsome job! 

Now let's get onto the topic at hand, roleplay, or more in depth roleplay with guns.

Now I an new to the server, I've only been here for a week or so, but I have been present (multiple times) to something that really ruins the immersion for me... And that is trigger happy players. 

Let me give you an example with my character: 

I woke up early to another fine day on the island of Altis, my goal I had set was to expand into oil production as I had word that it was a lucrative enterprise without much journey time, perfect. However I was short on cash to spend on a processing licence since I had to pay some medical bill for my kid brothers the day before.  So I gathered my pickaxe and lucky shoes and headed out to the copper mine to work under the baking sun for perious copper ore.  The work as usual was tough, but it was rewarding to gain a paycheck for it all... A paycheck I knew I could double with working at the oil fields. So with cash in hand I sped off to the oil fields, where upon arrival I met several other miners already digging deep into the ground, it was a pleasent afternoon of working, sharing stories and jokes. With a merry heart and truck laden with goods I set off to the oil trader. It was late and it was almost curfew. So I pushed my truck to its limits, arriving at the trader in record time. I hopped out, but my 9mm pistol (or the pea-shooter) fell out of my holster, since I have no military experience this is a regular occurance. At which point I heard a "put your hands on your head" for my right... Not knowing if I had heard it and still half laughing with the idea of a massive paycheck ahead I responded with "huh?" Only to be shot and killed by said gunman. He then proceeded to 'politely' say "I told you to put your hands on your head you f***ing c*** " at which point I left my moral remains behind. 

*end of my example* 

 Now this is not some random bandit wielding a 9mm but was instead a member of a rebel group with a MX.. A Member of a group who so rigoulesly preach that they will defend the weak, stand up for the little man here on the forums. 

This server as I have seen it demands and expects a level of roleplay, everything from the patten of the police cars to the types of crimes/ fines and to the character development of players. But it is not roleplay to simply demand something of someone and if a response is not given in the proceeding seconds to then shoot them. Think about it, in the real world if someone owns a gun and and doesn't get their way the second they demand it do they start shooting?

now I don't mind there being a shooting in game, that's fine, but surely gunman should allow for some time to develop the situation, to roleplay their characters! 

I have found that my character does not last more than 2 hours dew to the fact of trigger happy players? How am I supposrt to develop a character, how am I suppose to roleplay of every hour or two I die and have to start again wearing default shorts and with little to no money at all.

I don't want to join a gang, I want to develop my character within the law, being a simple trader. Also mummy told me never to join gangs. I also understand that some with respond with the statement " you don't have to stay if you don't like the way things happen" or "grow a pair" but the thing is I do like it here I just simply want to improve the gameplay of myself and other small time miners as I am currenty on my 6th version of Blunt in game so this is not the first time this has happened. 

In in all I would simply ask for some respect shown to the little man, and for real roleplay to happen before the shooting happens. 

I would like this discussion to go on, and/or share your stories from out on the road. So I ask the community to please keep it polite!  

Many thanks


If they genuinely called you a fucking cunt I think that's pretty piss poor in general and gives a strong indication of their attitude...a lot of people swear on this server, and insult...I myself do it, but I never call anyone a Cunt, it's just one of those words that cuts a little too deep and I feel it goes beyond what is allowed. 

The server does demand a certain quality. However there are no filters in place to even attempt to prevent dipshits gaining access, and as of recently this is something that bothers me greatly. Yesterday I pretty much rage quit on the whole thing because I had people picklocking and stealing vehicles in Bluezones when I was trying to enjoy some RP with a great gent. The quality here has fallen a great deal if I'm being honest...we've lost a lot of good people who cared for Roleplay and due to no filtering, any Tom Dick and Harry can join, cause some shit and leave without a care in the world. This will never change though because there is an emphasis on not wanting to turn away new players, because we have to have high player count. I still feel anyone who actually gave a crap though wouldn't mind filling an application out...but anyway

Realistically....at the moment. You won't be able to develop your character. You can't. It's nothing you've done wrong. It's the fact you've dared to be a law abiding citizen who cares for RP in a place where killing people is the end game. You carry a Pistol because you don't want to be stopped yet everyone around you surrounds themselves with illegal firearms because they know they can, and they know they can combat effectively against the Police. You are an easy target. You're usually alone or in a small number so it's very easy for a gang to attack you. Most Legit civilians do not carry big weapons, and most don't engage in firefights often so you are usually outskilled. 

It's the strong preying on the weak because they know it's profit and they don't particularly care for the amount of time you have invested in what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes a good Rebel will split it, so you are not left with nothing. But most won't. 

If I was you...I'd attempt to create situation....some sort of Roleplay which would allow you to get paid by players...for example we had a awesome man called Panchito. He was smart, he saw how Police liked customising themselves with hats, so he met the demand and made absolutely loads of cash. You should try do the same. A lot of Police have a lot of money and if having a good day, are looking for a good reason to give it away...because we don't need it...try find something...anything...Roleplay with it and see if you can get people interested and buying from you...if not...all I can suggest is soldier on through it..or hire a PMC to try and help you...but even they can sometimes be no match for a strategic rebel team.

A long time ago there was a great man named @Oli Ludwig who created a legal Cider empire, only for it to crumble because his other players wanted to do illegal things.

Then came another great man named Hannibal Lecter who started the Merchants Union, who grew into an industrial powerhouse of legal enterprise.

The problem with the legal professions is people get bored and want to get the big guns, and make money through criminal enterprises. It's a shame because some of the best roleplay I've had as a cop is with people who do legal things.

I wish the another legal trade merchant gang would come back.

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A long time ago there was a great man named @Oli Ludwig who created a legal Cider empire, only for it to crumble because his other players wanted to do illegal things.

Then came another great man named Hannibal Lecter who started the Merchants Union, who grew into an industrial powerhouse of legal enterprise.

The problem with the legal professions is people get bored and want to get the big guns, and make money through criminal enterprises. It's a shame because some of the best roleplay I've had as a cop is with people who do legal things.

I wish the another legal trade merchant gang would come back.
Everyone spam Dr Lecter immediately to get MU back on it's feet. I know that Salty was also interesting in restarting such a business. We need Legal trade to thrive again, to show the drug dealing rebels how to make money and still have fun whilst doing it!
