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A.E.Z (Action: Bans issued 08/09/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of player your reporting (ingame name):
Description of what happened:
Me, Sharky (Fisher) and Flamez (Neo) where doing drugs and Sharky noticed a guy in a ghillie suit hiding behind a rock so Flamez started trying to speak to him saying we are friendly and just want to get our drugs and get out of there. After about 5 minutes had passed and all of a sudden they started running at us shouting to Flamez who was in the ghillie to get down. As none of us where expecting it we clicked to grab cocaine again so we where already mid animation collecting cocaine and I was shot, then Sharky and then Flamez. The thing I am most annoyed about is that they gave us literally about 5-10 seconds to put our hands on our head and the collecting cocaine animation is longer than that.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
I sort of spoke to him ingame but they thought they where completely in the right.
Value of item/money lost:
Including all of us 3 Hemmt Boxes full of cocaine
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
i can say they rdm'd me...they wanted me to join there gang i said no they decided the want to execute me..explained the 3 min execution rule they so they said put you hands up i did and they shot me.

also they tried to rob a medic

I approached a scene as a Medic, was told to get out my vehicle and knocked out. I was then repeatedly knocked down another 10 times while one of them said "Get down". Of course, every time I "woke up" my character automatically stood up. I got no time to lay down. After this, I was told to walk up to a wall and then executed.

Was in an hour long situation earlier where we stopped a HEMTT Truck that was related to a wanted person on the ANPR. It was one of the A.E.Z. He stops gets out and has an automatic rifle which we tell him to drop, he decides not to and we're stuck behind our police hatchback. His friends arrive in this situation also so we are in a compromised position, we are covered from the main threat in front of us so we face the other three coming from behind, one in a HEMTT box and two in a Tempest Transport (one of them being A.E.Z Aidan), we tell them to drop their guns which they don't, one opens fire and I was prepared for lethal because I believed the situation would turn nasty, which it did, the three members opened fire and were extremely bad shots. We dispatched of the three instantaneously and turned back around to deal with the hostile behind the HEMTT Box, he tried to take some pot shots at us but by that point he had given up, hopped into his vehicle and drove away, our priority from there on was the abandoned HEMTT and Tempest which had £500,000 worth of drugs on them altogether. When securing the area PCSO Certa said someone was running around him shouting obscenities, checked the name and it was Aidan again, he then got into his HEMTT box and drove away, I then began chase and went after Aidan so that I could obtain the vehicle again, chased him round for a few minutes as I told Certa to find the second HEMTT when his friend in a bush decided to open fire on me, I turned my vehicle into cover and jumped out as soon as possible, the armed player then kills PCSO Certa and a CSO that was travelling with a SGT.

In the meantime, Aidan rams my Hatchback, expecting to probably kill me in the meantime with VDM, unfortunately for him I was nowhere near the vehicle, I turned around the corner and opened fire and killed him. Over the course of another 30-45 minutes, Aidan had returned already and another one called Joey had set up position in the green tower near the Cocaine Processing area. Though this doesn't seem very relevant to the situation it goes to show how willing A.E.Z are to break the rules. 

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Indeed, I've also had problems with these people, running around Kavala and shooting anything they see.

I was the PCSO almost getting kidnaped in Pyrgos Walt, while you were being knocked down. And I can confirm this happened.

Was also present at the blatant RDM in Kavala, which to add insult to injury actually took place within the Kavala Safezone.

Have alot more stories and videos of these guys, but I believe the evidence presented here is more then enough. 

Just got my ifrit out the garage, stupidly enough it spawns unlocked and he just hops right in there and chop shops it. but thats roleplay...

This guys are being straight up asses. Met them in Pyrgos and they asked if i had a extra gun.

Stupid me gave him a pistol and mags. they robbed me and then shot me.

next time i saw them they tried to vdm me whit an ifrit.

i will upload video on request. but for now no point as they missed on vdm and they tried to rp when i gave a gun to them.

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If these guys don't get banned 

Shit's gonna hit the fan...


They RDMed me twice in Athira and also attempted to steal my ifrit and run me over but failed and blew up.

Been RDM'd by these guys multiple times whilst playing as a rebel/cop/NHS

Same clan that tryed to lockpick my NHS chopper on top of the kavala hospital. they even knocked me down and continued after i told them not to rob medics.. but thx to an officer from the police force(think it was shifo) they did not get the chopper.

A.E.Z are known trolls and rdmers, I ran into them earlier and they can't roleplay for shit.

I met these guys twice yesterday, I'm currently uploading a video of the first encounter. 2nd encounter was in Kavala, they were sitting on top of the castle shooting at me next to the car shop. I don't have video of the events in Kavala but I did text the admins about them ingame, might be some record of that.

First encounter: 


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They were camping at pygros heli pads towers yestetday, they were trying to rdm me and my gang but managed to kill all of them

Bans Issued

445bd63111429c179784ebb693cf0d72 -1 A.E.Z Aiden - Forum Report 08/09/2014
29906d2781a53fda6659207497dc7be0 -1 A.E.Z PAPAROSSO - Forum Report 08/09/2014
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