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A late introduction


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
I realized I never made a proper introduction post back in the day so well.. here it is!

This server was my first experience with roleplay. In the first few days I was running around like a complete hobo and after a couple of weeks I joined the Altis Volunteer Corps, lived the rebel life for a bit, and moved a lot of salt. The money started pouring in and I bought every single vehicle on the server. When AVC disbanded I transferred over to the UNMC where I climbed the ranks to the point where I am now.

When I joined the UNMC my love for flying in ArmA greatly increased. I practiced my flying until I was good enough to join the prestigious airborne division. After a lot of improvement I became one of the proud CAD's (chief of the airborne division).

All along my way was a guy I met after about two weeks of playing on this server: @Bo1, we joined the NHS, AVC, UNMC and airborne together. Many people will claim that we are the same person running 2 PC's at the same time, but I decline to comment on those statements.