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A small story


Well-known member
Well I applied for NHS. And I made this up!Hope it's good!

It all started off like this......
One day, I was a medic in this world called evo.... It was a great place and sooner or later I worked my way up the ranks, alllll the way to asst. Chief. It was great days. Saving lives, talking and of course driving! It was a fantastic life.
Then bad stuff happened. The government became abusive, and I took a hard decision. To remove myself from ems. 
It was such a sad thing to do. I prayed I could continue my life well in this new place called altis. I was originally born here, except it was very quite then, not very 'lively'. But I moved back, and oh my. Kavala was bursting with life , a few crimes and banana ducks , but I loved it. Every street had a car on it! It was just like a film! I started off apple picking with my trusty SUV. 
As I set off on a sunny day, I don't know my life was about to be changed. I arrived at the field, and began picking ! It was fun, I watched cars drive by, some rich people passed for sure!
The odd pursuit happened. 'Odd I thought, I never wanted to be an officer.....' As I yet again watched a cop rush by.
Then all of a sudden...
A car smashed through the fence, digging up grass as it went. It screeched to a halt and the driver staggered out, before passing out.
I rushed other, and grabbed some cloth and tore it up and applied make shift bandages.
Then I heard a siren. A medic one
Before I knew it a medic in shining Hi Via, rushed over and began reviving him. 
A few minutes later another medic rushed him to hospital.
The remaining medic spoke to me in a polite manner.
" you did the best you could there, Ever thought of applying for ems?"
Then it hit me. The job I have wanted a was of course ems!!
"Yes..." I replied " Yes it bloody is!!!"
" well then what are you waiting for?"
I nodded and headed towards my SUV. 
Quickly I got home and flivkdd my PC on. I got to the NHS website, and began to type...
And here I am now.......

------end of RP story-------
I wish to apply for ems as I can bring new things, And of course more RP!
It could consist of better driving, more role play when reviving, or of course a cuppa tea with the civs!!!
I hope this sounds good!
