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A Terrible Night


Well-known member
I was a small child at the time but I remember it vividly, the heavy banging on the door, my mother quickly hiding me in a cupboard and telling me to be brave, the tears in her eyes as she shut the door and left me in the darkness.   

Then I heard the smashing, screams and yelling, my father’s shouting was silenced by a sickening sound and followed by more screams from my mother.  I heard them being dragged away with the heavy clattering sound of working boots on the wooden floor., I was shaking with fear but managed to open the cupboard door a little, to peer out, and caught the sight of the police dressed in their black uniforms, leaving a bloodied drag trail under their feet.

I never saw my parents again, in the weeks that followed my aunts and uncles tried to find out where they were, but no one in the authority admitted to knowing anything about their disappearance.   

As the months and years dragged by, I learned of many more disappearances, people who had dared to speak out against the authority and then never turned up for work the next day.

As I grew older I kept the hatred inside, using it when I needed it, slapping down a black coat in a bar or helping a known thug to have a climbing accident.  I worked till my hands bled in the fields and mines, saving up the cash i’d need to extract my revenge, planning where our bases will be and making contacts with others of a like mind, till the day my revenge arrives.

My name is Inigo Montoya, and I will bring down the authority.
