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Aaron and ChrisK stealing NHS hatchback

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [SIZE=11pt]Aaron (and) ChrisK[/SIZE]
Time & Date this happened: [SIZE=11pt]09/09/2015 around 20:30~20:45 BST[/SIZE]
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened:I was responding to a medical emergency near Kora Fuel in my standard NHS hatchback. As I was making my way out of Kavala a man (Aaron) was on the road calling for help. With other units nearby, including an air response unit I decided to pull over to see what the issues was (this is where I start recording) As I jumped out of the car to talk to Aaron he decided that he would jump in the driver’s seat and speed off, Which can be clearly seen in the Video provided. He proceed to drive up the road where he can be seen to crash and lose the front two tires of the hatchback. I ran up the road and locked the vehicle to stop him getting back in, at this point other citizens had already seen the unfolding event and taken action upon themselves to apprehend the perpetrator (Which I am very thankful for.) As it can be seen in the recording the situation develops as player Phalanx warms me to leave the area as it could develop into a combat situation. To this I agreed and proceeded to leave the area. However ChrisK decides that this would be a perfect opportunity to gain access to my car. He then drives away (Driving over many a people on the way) only for he himself to be apprehended by another member of the community (Which I am again very thankful for.) This whole incident with these two players caused confusion and annoyance to both myself and the NHS staff members on duty at that time, who can be heard over TeamSpeak trying to organize the air response unit into following my stolen car. 

What Rule Was Broken ?:
·[SIZE=7pt]         [/SIZE]3A) VDM- Vehicle Death Match

·[SIZE=7pt]         [/SIZE]3C) Trolling (Aaron calling for help when no help was needed)

·[SIZE=7pt]         [/SIZE]3M) NHS Medic’s (Stealing the NHS Hatchback)

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: [SIZE=11pt]No[/SIZE]
Please post video evidence/screenshots here 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xcevmw468l4joyv/arma3 2015-09-09 20-33-26-899.avi?dl=0 
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