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[aC] Dylan (Action: Already banned in another report)

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The Flying Scotsman
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [aC] Dylan
Time & Date this happened: 22.11.14 Before 21:30 UTC.
Description of what happened: I was flying down to the drug dealer and then this happened.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, he said no attempted RDM.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
You even said yourself its an active fire fight and you decided to go within 20 meters of the fight, thats your fault for engaging sir. Also how did you know it was Dylan that shot you? So thats Metagaming = rule break, also you did not even die.

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He didn't metagame. He said: "it are the aC guys" its metagaming when he uses it ingame, not when he mentions it over TS

What puppy said. I'm sick of being RDMed, which is the only reason why I use that key. Also my friends weren't even near me, as you hear at the start they're at the weed field. 

You even said yourself its an active fire fight and you decided to go within 20 meters of the fight, thats your fault for engaging sir. Also how did you know it was Dylan that shot you? So thats Metagaming = rule break, also you did not even die.
Yes it's an active firefight. I didn't see this until very close which is when I flew away. I would be fine with a few warning shots, but killing the engine is harsh. I didn't die, but he tried to kill me.

What puppy said. I'm sick of being RDMed, which is the only reason why I use that key. Also my friends weren't even near me, as you hear at the start they're at the weed field. 

Yes it's an active firefight. I didn't see this until very close which is when I flew away. I would be fine with a few warning shots, but killing the engine is harsh. I didn't die, but he tried to kill me.
I doubt this was Dylan that shot you, how do you know it was him? The video does not show any shots. I was not there so I would not know. But the question is still there there is no evidence it was him.

I doubt this was Dylan that shot you, how do you know it was him? The video does not show any shots. I was not there so I would not know. But the question is still there there is no evidence it was him.
Look closely, I see Dylan standing there and then shots come from that direction. Shots clearly fired...

teamspeak is considered your radio in game, if you say it on there, you are metagaming
I only consider teamspeak a radio when someone tells me to drop my comms.

If i were to say something like "oh its PLF" in TS i would not use that information ingame nor would my teamates.

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You know why I love reporting people? When they know they've done wrong they always shift the blame.

My friends were not even near me, even if they were, knowing it's aC won't help them.

teamspeak is considered your radio in game, if you say it on there, you are metagaming
Please find me where it states that in any rule book or Altis Life rules section. Because it might appear you're either mis-informed, or making things up. Regardless, we all have the ability to see "meta-game information", sometimes by default. What we do with it is how rules get broken.

But lets state some facts:

  1. Ross approached in a helicopter, identified a hostile and dangerous situation.
  2. He then immediately backed off.
  3. As he was backing off, someone (from the angles of gunfire, likely Dylan) opened fire with intent to kill.
  • This is shown by around 30 rounds fired into the helicopter. Far exceeding a number acceptable for "Warning Shots". (they seemed to stop once the engine was destroyed)
It's not perfectly clear who shot at him. But whoever it was, I would say they attempted to kill with no RP or valid reason. Yes it's possible that Ross and Co might interfere with you. But this is a RP server. Not DayZ. You're not suppose to Kill on Sight because you think someone MIGHT be a hostile. 

If no action is taken, I do hope you don't do this again. 

Well if he's banned you can close this. Just let this prove to Sean that I can land, even in emergencies.

we where getting shot from many directions, even by civs, i died to a civ so i would know, we have encountered situations like this before, where there is a heli and it is being the enemies eyes in the sky, so we instantly thought thats who you where, we didnt kill you, so there no RDM, but there is Shoot On Sight, due to the fact we had no time to stop and think about whos good and whos not, sorry for the inconvenience, but that wasnt worth a report, because you didnt loose anything nor did you die

we where getting shot from many directions, even by civs, i died to a civ so i would know, we have encountered situations like this before, where there is a heli and it is being the enemies eyes in the sky, so we instantly thought thats who you where, we didnt kill you, so there no RDM, but there is Shoot On Sight, due to the fact we had no time to stop and think about whos good and whos not, sorry for the inconvenience, but that wasnt worth a report, because you didnt loose anything nor did you die
I'm trying to help our community to get rid of RDMers and others. This was clearly an attempt to kill, luckily my quick reactions saved the day.

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