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Access to Police Forums

Lord Vignesh

Well-known member
Observable Universe
Not really a bug but I found no other place to post this. The post for request of tags given in the handbooks and such is locked and no replies are possible. So I posted here cause this is the closest I found. I am a PC of the Altis Police Force and I need the tag and the access to the relevant forums.

Thanks for reading, :)

If you pass your forum name and/or link to your appropriate DI/CI then they will mark it on the PNC and the almighty lords will sort it out. 

EDIT: Me being the lovely and kind DI that I'am, I have marked it on the PNC. 

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If you pass your forum name and/or link to your appropriate DI/CI then they will mark it on the PNC and the almighty lords will sort it out. 

EDIT: Me being the lovely and kind DI that I'am, I have marked it on the PNC. 
Thanks, very lovely and kind of you sir :)
