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Accessing Gang Safe


Well-known member
The new update with the extra safe and the PIN codes is really good. However typing in the long PIN every time is a pain especially during an operation and just in general when people need things in and out of the safe during the day.

Here's a few ideas on how to improve the safe system to make it less tedious to open

1.) Once PIN is entered, leave the safe open for the next 10 minutes so things can be put away easier. Then automatically lock it again.
2.) Once PIN is entered, the person has access to the safe until the safe PIN is changed again, this prompts the person to retype the new PIN to gain access again.
3.) Once PIN is entered, leave the safe open for that person until a server restart. (Possibly like a fingerprint verification just for that period of time)

Any other ideas are welcome thanks.

I think option 3 would be the best, great idea

Would like to see option 2 or 3 applied to ARV Weapon Lockers also if possible.

I Like this idea, as it can be frustrating when putting mass amount of materials away

You could also maybe when you put pin in the safe is opened and then once you are finished you have to put the pin back in again to lock it 
