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Add Boris Bikes to train station


Head of Pestering the Development Team(s)
Lifetime Donator
Brief Summary:  Add Boris Bikes to train station

Detailed Suggestion: An awful lot of people randomly spawn in at the train station (I seem to spawn there like 50% of the time) so it would make sense to have a Boris bikes so that people don't have to run

The Pros:  

Reduces people having to steal a car / run miles
Spawning in there is probably a bug that needs to be fixed. 

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No

Weren't there Boris Bikes before? Never saw the reason they removed it. A good suggestion!

Weren't there Boris Bikes before? Never saw the reason they removed it. A good suggestion!
Boris Bikes do exist elsewhere on the island, just not at this specific location.

I did spawn here the other day for the first time. Thought it was a one off as some issues occurred pre-restart. Clearly seems to be an issue if it consistently occurs for some.

+1 for new Boris Bike location within the area of the train station.

Boris Bikes do exist elsewhere on the island, just not at this specific location.

I did spawn here the other day for the first time. Thought it was a one off as some issues occurred pre-restart. Clearly seems to be an issue if it consistently occurs for some.

+1 for new Boris Bike location within the area of the train station.
I meant that they used to exist at the train station beforehand. Didn't phrase it correctly.

I meant that they used to exist at the train station beforehand. Didn't phrase it correctly.
old train station yes not the new one 

I would love to see this. Too many times have I spawned at the train station and had to run all the way to legion square, since I'm a law abiding citizen and don't steal cars

This has now been implemented, along with 5 other locations around the city!

Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Haha
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