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Add Purchasable/Craftable Weapon Skins


Well-known member
Brief Summary: Add base game weapon skins from GTA V into RPUK in some way.

Detailed Suggestion:

I think it would be beneficial to add weapon skins or "tints" as are available in GTA Online in some way. I don't think they should be easy to acquire.

If craftable, perhaps they should make use of plastic/oil in some way as components, with a high resource cost to manufacture. Not too sure on this as I don't know if crafting would be the best way to go about it.

If purchasable, I think they should be a one time use item with a moderately high cost e.g £25,000 for one time use, or even tiered costs where some tints cost more than others (e.g. Gold finish could be £1m+).

Not sure where the money should go in terms of a business owner or straight to the government to be split among the various services like Police and NHS.


The Pros:

More customisation! With more options comes better creativity, and if done in the right way I really believe this would add to good RP in many ways, such as guns becoming identifiable - whether from the Police's perspective to involve CID tracking guns or among gangs/criminals where certain guns become more coveted or like a trophy. I'm sure I'm forgetting a load of ways but yeah let me know your thoughts. 

The Cons:

Potential for immersion to be lost somewhat or clashing against the minimalistic approach to guns in the server. Increases dev work and would require some thought as to how it could be implemented in a way that is most believable and enjoyable. Not sure if it would but could impact the value/desirability of some gang engraved guns, if they were bought just for the colour.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Pretty sure there are such things as golden AK's and similar if I recall correctly

I must be mistaken then, I am aware of gang engraved weaponry however, which show colour on them.

Skins would be a good money sink if only available in ammunation store. 

Whoever -1 this idea is an ass.
