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Admin Restructure

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The King
Lifetime Donator
I recently posted information about Admin/Forum moderator positions after a long think and very careful consideration and discussions with other admins I am pleased to announce the restructure.

We had some really strong applications and I thank you for taking the time to apply but we must go with people who will bring some excellent value to the community as a whole. 

Please welcome and congratulate the new members of our voluntary staff who give up alot of there free time to make sure Altis Life UK is fun and enjoyable for all!

The Board of Altis Life UK

Wilco (Head of Community Forums/Servers)

TinyBigJacko (Head of Development & Admin)

Mr Cardoso (Head of Admins)

Ciaran (Developer & Admin)

Senior Admins

CC Dave (Forum & Servers) + (Un-ban Requests Decisions)

CSI Mitch (Forum & Servers) + (Un-ban Requests Decisions)

Gregory (Forum & Servers) + (Un-ban Requests Decisions)


Sovereign (Server & Forum) + (Comp request Decisions)

Maratek (Server & Forum) + (Comp request Decisions)

Forum Moderators



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Nice to see the structure, Look forwards to the future :)

Happy to be part of this growing and excellent community to help where I can.

Is there like a specific rank that also covers the teamspeak or is that just all the ranks that do that together? :)  

Is there any way that we could get a few more server admin or just get server admin for the King of the Hill server? I am glad that the admin have expanded because it was for sure needed, but we still need a few more. I am on when most of the Euro players are off line when I get home from work and the servers are ripe with trolls doing whatever they want. 

I love to play on the servers but we have started to lose regular players on the servers due to the lack of admin. Please we want to help you help the community.

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