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Aggy Out

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Well its been fun while it lasted. I've met a lot of great people along the way and I've loved every second of it! I would like to thank you all and wish you the best for the future, I write this with a tear in my eye as you have been the best part of my life for the past 6 months.

I would go through who I would like to thank most however but I'm a little scared I will miss someone out.

I've tried to fight the urge to leave for the past 2 weeks since my ban but i just can't see it gaining motion. But hey! If it does ill be on the first boat back (hopefully).

This is not a goodbye forever, its just a goodbye for now.

I will still be active on the forums here and there with the cheeky comment or two. 

Keep your credit card safe!

Agdgdgwngo OUT!

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Gonna be sad to see you go George- hopefully one day you can come back and sell me some more watches!

Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! With who i speak Swahili now? Gonna mis you , i .... Love you xxxxxx who can say Where the road Goes ....

Member is now community banned for rule 16A - Advertising another Altis Life Community

If your going to do that... when you sign up a new account use a different named email address and a different ip............

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