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Alex Walker Wilkinson

Alex Walker

Active member
This is just a roleplay story, some of these things are true bot not all of them 🙂

Alex Walker Wilkinson is a thirteen-year-old teenager who enjoys cycling, gaming and extreme sports. He is Loyal and generous, but can also be very lazy and a bit impatient. He is Dutch. He is currently at school. He has a severe phobia of baked beans, and is obsessed with Netflix. Physically, Alex is in pretty good shape. He is average-height for his age with caramel skin, brown hair and hazel eyes He lives in a middle-class neighbourhood. His mother passed away 9 years ago, leaving his father, a carpenter Daniel, to look after him. Alex goes to UNKOWN, where his favourite subjects are P.E. and English. He loves his teacher Mr Vleeming but hates Mr Reesen whose interests include wearing really smelly pullovers. Alex's best friend is a teenager called Charles Roadworthy. They have a very firey friendship.

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k first of all as a fellow (flying?) Dutchman: Welcome even while u alrdy 2 years here XD

secondly: i am now wondering what the f*** did i just read?

Thirdly: i hope/recommend u keep IRL information hidden (Real Name/home adress/your school u go to IRL and ect.)

This as for your safety as we all know and love the internet as a rather dark place.

