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Allow Players to type in Rotations when decorating houses

Lily Rose

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Tire Nutz
Brief Summary:

Allow players to type in rotations when decorating houses.

Detailed Suggestion:

Essentially, rotating objects is an excruciatingly annoying task, currently you hold right or left click and sit for ten minutes going back and forth attempting to get the right angle, and have to repeat this constantly, especially in cases where you're replacing the floor to wood by using tables, adding pillars to make new rooms or cover the terrible curtains etc. 

Allowing the ability to instead type these values in means we can actually do this quicker, with a lot less hassle. For context, I just spent approximately two hours doing one room in my house, 30 minutes of that was placing pillars down.

So for example, here is some really **really** rough fiveM code (sorry im like a week into coding it) of how it currently is:

local currentAngle = 0
local angleStep = 1

RegisterKeyMapping("angle_up", "Increase Angle", "keyboard", "RIGHT")
RegisterKeyMapping("angle_down", "Decrease Angle", "keyboard", "LEFT")

function rotate()
if IsControlPressed(0, Config.keys.angleUp) then
currentAngle = (currentAngle + angleStep) % 360
elseif IsControlPressed(0, Config.keys.angleDown) then
currentAngle = (currentAngle - angleStep) % 360

VS how it could be:

local userInputActive = false
local maxAngleInput = 360
local minAngleInput = 0.00

function rotate()
-- Check if the left mouse button is pressed
if IsControlJustPressed(0, Config.keys.popupInput) then
-- Display instructions yada yada, this uses chat and has the options, im not sure how the pop ups work yet! sorry!
TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "SYSTEM", {255, 0, 0}, "Press <idk random key> to set max angle:")
TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "SYSTEM", {255, 0, 0}, "Type /setMaxAngle and enter a value.")
-- Not sure of best way to do a check here as to whether it fits with the max and min

The Pros:

Less time spent decorating, less pain.

The Cons:

Possibly people may over-flood houses and make them laggy as they're able to decorate easier

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I dont believe so, unless time spent decorating is a balancing issue 🙂
