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Alright, I think its about time for me to make one of these.


Well-known member
is a word.
Hey guys, you may know me in-game as Parq or currently [Gc] Parq. I arrived on the island about 3 and a half months ago and have enjoyed it ever since then. Let's first start of with organising this a bit.

  • About me: I was born in Canada and lived there since the age of 4 and then moved to a country in the middle east called Qatar, it consists of only one city called Doha and I've been here for 10-11 years. I'm currently 14 years old but my birthday is in June and I AM NOT RICH for those who keep saying "Oh you live there you must be rich dude!" Its annoying as heck xD

  • My Altis Story: When I first joined the server I wasn't a good role-player at all, I use to take my off road and do cider, once I got enough money I ended up buying about 9 more offroads because I didn't know they saved in your garage and each time I would try and do frog legs the server would restart. Anyway, I saw the UNMC and everything so I set my server goal to join them. I then took a quad bike from Kavala to the UNMC border and asked how to join, anyway long story short I joined the UNMC 5 days after I joined the island and made a vow never to leave it, 2 months later after being in it, it gets disbanded and I join Gc in hope of something similar (even though I always wanted to be a taxi driver) And today I am still in Gc and recently joined up with the medics.

That's mainly it for the time being not much else to say, but if you see me in-game feel free to say Hello ^_^


You are rich though yeah?

Love you Parq

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I am a very rich person. I just don't have a lot of money. It is not mutually exclusive.

Parq... rich or poor, popular or unpopular you always have a place here!

You and many others have made my time enjoyable in this community so a belated welcome and i hope you stay here for many more months to come!

P.S - we all know you are living in a mansion and have a Bugatti for your birthday every year :p (I'm sorry :D

Oww i only let you in the unmc because i thought you where rich :(

@The Shadow@Parq
Sov interviewed me though O_O

Vacatio = Sov CONFRIMED


Parq explain me how does this ,,I am bringing internet in buckets while riding on a camel to my home" stuff works

Parq explain me how does this ,,I am bringing internet in buckets while riding on a camel to my home" stuff works
The modems only last 12 hr before they break so I have to go on my camel and get more.
