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Altis Free Press

Smith and Jones

Well-known member
My name is Mr. Smith and I'm a freelance journalist new to the island of Altis.  I've been a frontline combat journalist in multiple war zones and have also investigated gangs and other urban conflicts.

I have already made contact with Rebels, Bounty Hunters and truly heroic ARAC mechanics, and experienced the random madness of the hobo problem in Kavala.  In a single week here, I have been shot, mugged and left for dead... more than once.  If nothing else, Altis proves to be an unpredictable and exciting place to be!

All my stories will be publishing my blog: Altis Free Press

I am particularly interested in ride-alongs with the Police, Bounty Hunters, ARAC mechanics, NHS paramedics and Rebels.  I want to tell your story and share your world.  if you are interested in press coverage, contact me here, via my blog or via text message.

My first story has been published, "A hard day's work", a ride-along with the Bounty Hunter crew The KingsMen.


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Great read! Keep up the good work!

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Nice work man keep it up, want to see some more maybe tag along with a gang for a bit! :D

Hey just read through your articles great stuff, it was fun talking with you tonight and i'm glad you got another press vest!

Your Friendly neighbourhood ARAC Mechanic George

Looks awesome, keep up the work mate :D

Glad it's going down well, cheers all.   thanks again George.

i want to take a moment to mention ARAC mechanic Doctor D Dude.  He was integral to my first few days in Altis and an article about this brave road warrior is in the works.  But my camera was stolen shortly after my time with him so I lost all my photos.  I may try to get some new ones before I publish the article.

This is brilliant! I enjoyed taking you on that mini ride along! I wish there were more people like you on the server! I hope to see you post more soon! 

I really want to read these at work, because I'm incredibly bored... But it would probably be a bit cheeky, so I'll wait till I'm home xD

Good to see something this involving on here, keep it up!

"Good Cop, Bad Cop?" article published.

I think it's best summed up with a quote:

"But having witnessed what I have, I am not surprised some people are driven to criminality, or others to genuine vigilantism in order to try and maintain their own form of law and justice."


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@Mr Smith AFPYou deserved great reward since you put much effort in this. I know that goverment doesn't pay enough so make sure to contact me while you are on Altis. :)
