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Altis in WW2


✠ Good soldiers follow orders
The Netherlands
hi there! today i wil be posting this little side story of the altezarian history in World War 2, it wil be a little story that included pictures and little clip's ( not the best quality XD)

NOTE! this is a fan made story not of this is true, execpt for the army unit's Etc

April 12-4-1942

after the germany captured most of Europe and Greece , there where a couple Greek island's left, one of these island's was Altis


german general's sended the most elite troops to altis to capture it, the fallschirmjäger regiment, these where well trianed paratrooper's that where specialized to fight the blit'z krieg ( tactical/fast war) there task was to take over altis.

on the 12e of april german planes flew over altis dropping german paratrooper's over altis

here we got a video of a german pilot flying over altis and pictures inside a german plane


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waiting for the drop zone


at 8 AM 14-8-1944 british surounded kavala and start taking kavala

the last defender's of altis


after a long firefight a white flag was rasien on top of kavala castle, the german's surrendered and altis was liberated...

british troop making their way trough the ruin's of kavala


one year later germany surenderd and the war was over in europe....

let's not forget the fallen soldier's who liberated altis


Altis was given indepence in 2003


i hope you enjoyed this little side story, yes the video's weren't the best but i hope you liked it

kind rehard's Dutch

Wow! After watching these clips and reading all of this i gotta say Good Job! If this was the real story i would believe every bit of it.
