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Altis Life Stories


Well-known member
:-Currently Unknown!
DayZ Maybe?

So I got fed up with the Shoot on sight mentality in DayZ so thought I give this a try. 

So far only met one idiot called Patrick who decided to run me over for my gun, he then preceded to massacre everyone else! Great I thought I wanted to get away from DayZ!

I was heartened to see some other players band together take him out after he was killed they gave me my gun back.

Later on after meeting up with my friend we were doing some deliveries in his little bird when we received a call for help. A player was stranded in the sticks after crashing his vehicle he offered us 20k to bring him a repair kit, we agreed the price & in our state of the art R.A.C chopper answered his call for help! When we arrived he told me he did not have the cash but he would forward it later, thinking I would probably never see my cash I reluctantly  repaired his vehicle.

My friend badgered me telling me I would never see the dosh but low & behold the player paid his dues.

So definitely not  DayZ then & I can see myself sticking around I even placed a small donation in lieu a decent experience .

Got a story to share post it here if you like.

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After getting off the boat to Altis I took a stroll to the clothing shop and within that short five minutes I witnessed two people die and was severely wounded in the store. Walking over the bodies and out of the store I could not run,so I walked to the hospital and noticed the police did nothing to stop the mad man,but the crowd who publically executed him did. Not the greatest start,but it became obvious that a gun is the law when in Kavala.

In my first 5 minutes of altis I stole someones gun while he was restrained, sprayed three cops stole their money but was soon killed and prmoptly rage quit as I needed to find out how to make money semi-legally

Чаще всего хочется хлопнуть той дверью, которую закрыли прямо перед носом.


I got the translation for the above whats that about, "More often than not want to slam that door, which was closed right in front"

I'm on holiday so I have got a lot of free time for now, when I'm not revising. And this only takes about 1 min to translate so not really an excuse to crack a insult.

wasn't directed at you price, was towards the guy who writes a freaking novel for some doors slamming in his face...

When i had arrived At Altis (by a very frustrating plane ride i must say) I noticed that the town of Athira would be where i sheltered for the time. I was not long after approached by a man of which i did not expect, he told me that he fought for the residents of Altis and knew of my past. Not long after agreeing to join him i was met by a man with the name of Ed Williams i believe and he had joined at the same day as i, We then began to work together ( After a crazy guy kidnapped two people for their crimes against Altis ) by questioning these two people to find out there story of them robbing people, killing people all sorts of nasty stuff we decided that they could not leave this place alive. Shortly after the boss arrived after his important meeting set one man free and the free man was paid for confessing to his petty crimes while the other was left for me to watch at gun point. We took the man to a watch tower where we questioned him and made confess and tell us he knew what he did was wrong but he tried to lie to our faces and told us he did nothing wrong and we had let the wrong man go.(this angered me) i asked the boss for what we should do i had no response so Ed told me what we should do, we made the man go down stairs and hide like harry potter. alas his leg got stuck on a sharp pipe that was under the stairs so i took it upon my self to execute this twisted man. (some what out of kindness)

It was done i had taken a life like i used to in Stratis and strangely i liked it.

Me and Ed later met up and we decided the cops were worth speaking to, to find out what they was actually like and we was met by Asdrubael the chief of police and he informed us that we was told lies and was tricked into fighting for a man who wanted money and not to help other people,( i was confused) the police then informed us of they actually work to do and how under staffed they are so he gave us an offer, a new life if you will to help the police and we agreed, but i had to have a new identity so the other rebel members could not track me as they knew i took a life of  a bad man. Not to long after working for the cops i had a run in with the assistant chief (We did not like each other) i refused to go by his orders and was warned of such a thing but i could not let it go that this man could tell me what to do, so i argued with him and i lost my job. To then find some of the old friends i use to work with willing to take me back to fight for them again and that is what i do and now as i work to lead EDC i just remember the days of working with Ed Williams and think... Goodbye old friend i hope we do not cross paths!

Juan Martinez.

This is a joke about cats.






infamous на pc
