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Altis Life UK - Election Poll

What do you think the result will be ?

  • Hung parliament

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Conservative Majority

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Labour Majority

    Votes: 8 17.8%

  • Total voters


The King
Lifetime Donator

We do not do political discussion/debates on Altis Life UK other than the Altis Mayor elections and this before election result polls.

This vote is completely anonymous and even the admins cannot see who you select on the poll.

Lets see how the total vote swings

You may vote in this poll if your outside the UK but know something about the political party's or if you are under the voting age.

You may reply who your voting for and why if you wish but no debates!

Wilco's Personal Vote:

I will be voting Labour this time around after voting conservatives all my life, The Conservative party have a very safe seat here in North Somerset and have won the majority of elections since the 1920's

Although i fully agree with David Cameron's EU referendum, I believe it will be very unfair as he has already said he will be campaigning for a No vote, What other option is there ?... Nigel Farage and UKIP (no thanks)

Labour seem very switched on this time around and understand people are pissed off by David Cameron and his rich friends, On so many policys labour seem to be spot on, We have housing issues / school issues / NHS issues and immigration issues things David Cameron over the past 5 years have put last.

In my local area the conservatives have pretty much lost control and i will be very surprised if they elected back even in the council elections.

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Where's the BNP?

Meh, gunna have to go conservative. They are the only ones that won't put us back in the recession. And it probs will be a hang parliament, if they go with UKIP, then things might get real.


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It's a shame I'm like 4 months to young to vote in a general election. If it's hung and no coalitions can be made I might have a chance at voting if they reschedule to polls. But anyways Conservative, David Cameron has been in parliament for 5 years now he knows what's what and he knows the books. He knows what it takes to get the country back on track with the rest of the world.

My opinion

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Hell yeah holmesy though what makes me giggle is that they are set to get 14% of votes but will only get 2 - 3 seats because the kipper supporters are spread far and wide.

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I live in one of the most securely Labour strongholds in the UK.

As a result my vote will mean the same if I vote Tory, Lib Dem or draw a giant cock and balls on my ballot paper. 

As for my personal view; Very few parties have serious answers on how to fix issues that younger (18-31) people are going to be experiencing or are currently suffering from.
It seems like a reduction in higher education and an increase in personal debt is not a national issue for many parties beyond basic condemnation.

With that being said, as I said above, my vote will count for very little and I do not currently have enough information to provide a serious and mature answer to the question of "who is the better choice to run the country?"

Just going to say this would be my personal worst case scenario Labour, Green and SNP coalition and the best would be a Conservative and UKIP coalition.

Being the dirty immigrant that I am, my boyfriend keeps teasing me that I will get deported someday  :lol:

But you're voting for Ed Miliband Wilco! Ed bloody Miliband!! who reminds me of a plumber who's come round to fix your boiler....  :p

Well lets hope hes a good plumber becuase if he wins tommorrow theres gonna be a lot of pipework to get on with.
