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Altis Life XFactor - Saturday 31st May 2014

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The King
Lifetime Donator
The Altis Life XFactor will take place this Saturday 31st May at Perrys Nightclub in game as advertised outside Perrys the past week.

Doors Open at 8pm & The XFactor will start around 8.20/8.30pm GMT

Prize Money:

The Winner - £2 Million in game cash

2nd place - £500k in game cash

The winner will be asked to sing again on the night and it will be made into a Youtube music video

Up for grabs is a 1 million pound recording contract (1 million in game money) if you want to enter please reply to this post answering the following questions:

  1. In game name:
  2. Do you have a good working mic:
  3. Song you are going to sing:
We are not looking for the best singer like the real XFactor... oh no! we are looking for the best act something that will blow us away, If you cant sing but can sing a funny song and put a twist on things then who knows! If someone comes in and sings better than Katy perry herself then there's the winner.

Due to the new arma3 patch fixing alot of lag/desync issues we will be putting the server upto 100 slots for this event so we can pack perrys out, If you are not attending the event we would ask you kindly to give up your slot for someone singing or attending this server event.

Everyone is welcome but there will be the following strict rules

  • No talking on mic when the act is performing
  • If you bring a gun to dance then please do not bring ammo
  • No backpacks (Police will be doing checks on the door)
  • No police sirens or lights in kavala during the XFactor
  • Kavala square will be closed and off limits from Saturday 8pm
  • No chem-lights
  • No playing music 
  • No entering the stage
  • No cars/quadbikes/choppers/trucks to enter kavala during the XFactor
Breaching any of these rules will result in a temp/perm ban

Please note players may be kicked to make room for a contestant to enter the server to perform.

We hope the night will be a huge success and we all have a great time.

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1. [u.R.G.N]Dubious Penguin                                                                                                                                                                         2. yes                                                                                                                                                                                                           3. Calvin Harris- The Girls  

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