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Altis Police & Altis NHS Uniform update

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The King
Lifetime Donator

Altis Police & Altis NHS Uniform Update

Today we are pleased to reveal and add our new Altis & Tanoa Police & NHS uniforms onto the server, It has been a very testing time for the Police over the last few weeks and under there new leadership we can see a very bright future for them!

Over the last few days with feedback from the CSI's & myself X-sum has been fine tuning his Police Uniform & NCA uniform while I have been face lifting our Armed Response uniform and making a very nice realistic NHS uniform based on the South West Ambulance service.

Please note: The following textures are exclusive to and for use by Roleplay UK & Altis Life UK only.

Lets start with the new Police uniform which has a very old school "The Bill" style feel to them something that makes our Police look the part and enables them to hopefully roleplay the part!

Due to the optimised file size of this new texture Xsum will over the next days add different ranks to the shoulder insignia meaning we can look to drop ranks above names!

The PCSO Uniform is still WIP along with the NPA's uniform and any other uniforms the Police & Xsum decide they wish to add which will hopefully follow within the next few days while I look at other uniforms for the NHS.

This thread will be updated with those new uniforms.

Police Uniform (Credit Xsum)


Police "NCA" National Crime Agency Uniform (Credit: Xsum)


Police Armed Response Facelift (Wilco)


NHS Ambulance Uniform (Usually a rare sight! #ABetterNHS)

Now you can say you've seen the NHS!

This one took some tinkering with, but after spending some time in accident and emergency in the past I believe I have got it spot on the best I can in ARMA, on the back is "Ambulance" in red this is what the ambulance service now wears.


We look forward to your feedback below!

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@DylanCSI's will let you know more on this, The way I explain it is in the UK there is no NIU... so why do we have one ?

National Crime Agency is ready to shake things up!... well at least look good anyway!

The NCA is the UKs serious and organised crime combatting unit. So if it's anything like that it could be a good bit more far reaching, than just drugs like NIU. And it makes more sense being a UK agency.

nice skins by he way

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The NCA is the UKs serious and organised crime combatting unit. So if it's anything like that it could be a good bit more far reaching, than just drugs like NIU. And it makes more sense being a UK agency.

nice skins by he way
removed comment as you edited your reply so it made no sense 

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Thank you for the nice comments, appreciated! :) Lots of hard work in it

It would have to be kept separate mate, Combat wise we already have Armed Response so if NCA did combat there would be no need for AR what else do police deal with that requires specialized units?
Did all you read was the word "combatting"  ? Read again.

The NCA is UKs equivalent of FBI they tackle drugs, gangs, human trafficking, fraud and various other organised crime nationally and internationally. That doesn't mean combat like AR, ARs purpose is singular maximum application of force in a single area. Their jurisdiction would certainly overlap NIU but not AR. 

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This looks awesome!

Gonna be great to drop ranks in names and get the rank on the uniform!

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