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Always mind your surroundings...

Personally I feel I waited too long, but in the past I have shot people a little pre-emptively so give them plenty of chances. Better than a big shootout :)

And tell me, what happend 15 minutes after this incident...?  ;)

And tell me, what happend 15 minutes after this incident...?  ;)
We played peek-a-boo with your sniper who we then also killed :p Having said that, that sniper position for him was incredibly good but his shot was pretty poor and he hid his truck behind the building so I could see a little bit of yellow between the windows of the house which is what gave him away. If I hadn't had spotted the yellow stripe behind the building, we wouldn't have been able to figure out where he was.

About 0:23 in to the top left of the crosshair you can see his little face firing at me xD. Might need to turn it up to 1080p on YouTube (only up to 720p supported being embedded weirdly) to properly see it.

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We played peek-a-boo with your sniper who we then also killed :p Having said that, that sniper position for him was incredibly good but his shot was pretty poor and he hid his truck behind the building so I could see a little bit of yellow between the windows of the house which is what gave him away. If I hadn't had spotted the yellow stripe behind the building, we wouldn't have been able to figure out where he was.

About 0:23 in to the top left of the crosshair you can see his little face firing at me xD. Might need to turn it up to 1080p on YouTube (only up to 720p supported being embedded weirdly) to properly see it.
Aaaand after that?  ;)
