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[AN] Rasmus Random Death Match <Rejected>

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [AN] Rasmus
Time &amp; Date this happened: 05/07/2015 - 22:48
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: I got held up by Rasmus and I got zip tied, then Rasmus proceded to take me to a location. By the time he found the right spot Esh knocked me out and then when I was getting up from that, one of them said any last words. Then they all shot me as I was getting up. However Rasmus was the one that killed me so he is the one I am reporting.
What Rule Was Broken ?:[SIZE=medium] 3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition :[/SIZE] Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I joined there TeamSpeak channel however I was greated with a nice "This guys sounds like a 10 year old girl. And there excuse was that my gun was in my hand so I told them I had no control at that point and it was just an animations like when you get out a car and you're gun comes out however I feel they had the intention to kill me any was because one of them said any last words. And I had a tazer PDW and they all had high powered rifles so I don't see why they did not role-play. I think this had something to do with when I used to be in there MU gang and they kicked me and now they are just looking to annoy me. I also went into there TeamSpeak about 2 minutes later because I heared one of them wanted the video so I went in and I got called a cry baby and got told to just let it go. Imature behaviour for a suposed professinal group. This is just uncalled for after spending 2,000,000 in-game purely for role-play.
I make a sped up version - http://youtu.be/2w3ZMwOG9kA
Uncut version - http://youtu.be/iXmDy6AFz2o
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That's not VDM. You were taken hostage (pretty obvious) - not the best RP by them throughout it, but more surprisingly you didn't seem to care you were being taken hostage. Didn't ask them to spare you or anything. You're playing a Bounty Hunter - Rebels aren't going to like you. 

I know it is not VDM it is RDM. And with that logic that would mean I could kill any one I wanted and any time I wanted aslong as I zip tied them first. No this is clear RDM and every one attempted to shoot me aswell. They had the intention of killing me from the start.

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Firstly @BobbyWallace Don't comment on reports, please follow the rules.

Now that's out the way, for a guy with a gun to his face, being tied up, etc, you didn't care in the slightest...... no screaming or shouting, anything..... and to be fair, they might not understand the animation problem....

There's no evidence of you being called a "10 year old", so I can't take action on that.

You were roleplayed with, it was minimal, but roleplay non-the-less.....

Report Rejected.

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