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Another Gang name question.

Jerome Winters

Well-known member
Does someone knows a good gang name, I want to change my gang.
It  has to be something to help the government and something new.
Extremely serious help the government gang that helps the government in situations that will be serious.



You are welcome :)

The Appless Security Company

You can charge +60% for every job, even if you fail.

Professional security at the Apple/Peach field

You will be the most popular gang in no time not to mention people will wait in lines for your services!

And the police will adore you.

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The Apples Security Company©

You can charge +60% for every job, even if you fail.

Professional security at the Apple/Peach field

You will be the most popular gang in no time not to mention people will wait in lines for your services!

And the police will adore you.
 You just gave me a idea  ^_^   ;)

The seriously serious seriousness gang that helps the government in only serious ways........ seriously (T.S.S.S.G.T.H.T.G.I.O.S.W.S)

TKC already got dibs on that one.
