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Any chance i could do a trade? Jet for Huron?


Well-known member
So basically i bought a jet when Abay was still around and i thought that i could buy the jet and have fun with it then once i was bored i could sell it well Abay got removed and so now im stuck with this 10 mil jet i was wondering if an admin would be so kind and to maybe remove my jet and 5 mil from my account for a huron or maybe remove my jet and just give me like 8 mil maybe? cause im a cop so i never fly the thing, just wondering if an admin could do this for me :) or if its even possible.

Thanks in advance i guess.

If the trade cant be made it would be great if i could just get like 8 mil or something.

I am in the same situation. I just feel as if the price to sell a jet at the store/garage should be more than £1000. The same with the Hellcat

So basically i bought a jet when Abay was still around and i thought that i could buy the jet and have fun with it then once i was bored i could sell it well Abay got removed and so now im stuck with this 10 mil jet i was wondering if an admin would be so kind and to maybe remove my jet and 5 mil from my account for a huron or maybe remove my jet and just give me like 8 mil maybe? cause im a cop so i never fly the thing, just wondering if an admin could do this for me :) or if its even possible.

Thanks in advance i guess.

If the trade cant be made it would be great if i could just get like 8 mil or something.
So you're basically asking for a small loan of 15mil?

So you're basically asking for a small loan of 15mil?
Nah im asking two things:

1: I get my jet removed and i get 8 mil for it
2: I get my jet removed and 5 mil removed from me for a huron

im asking for this even tho theres a high chance it wont happen but i hope it does i would rather go for option one

Well, I don't think the Admins will remove your jet and refund you because you want a Huron. That jet is for your roleplay character, how would god remove your jet and spawn in money if it was real life? ;)

Well, I don't think the Admins will remove your jet and refund you because you want a Huron. That jet is for your roleplay character, how would god remove your jet and spawn in money if it was real life? ;)
Real life? 

He'd sell his jet for a reasonable amount (75% of its value say) and use that money to buy a huron.. (which is exactly what he's asking from the admins). Your argument is strange and confusing.

@NeonIf you need some money mate, I'm sure we could come to some arrangement. Drop me a PM on the forums.

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Real life? 

He'd sell his jet for a reasonable amount (75% of its value say) and use that money to buy a huron.. (which is exactly what he's asking from the admins). Your argument is strange and confusing.

@NeonIf you need some money mate, I'm sure we could come to some arrangement. Drop me a PM on the forums.
That would be generous of you, i just want to maybe trade the huron for the jet just so i dont lose all my money i do want a huron so i can maybe do salt runs with it xD

That would be generous of you, i just want to maybe trade the huron for the jet just so i dont lose all my money i do want a huron so i can maybe do salt runs with it xD
If you get a Huron you should do frog legs in it, great money. However salt is still decent money.

how much money are you making with a huron full of frogs legs? or salt? like, has weed dropped in price now? I haven't played in few months.

Trying to find out the best ways to make money again 

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how much money are you making with a huron full of frogs legs? or salt? like, has weed dropped in price now? I haven't played in few months.

Trying to find out the best ways to make money again 
Doing salt (with processing and going back to the mine to fill up again) you can make £1 mill in about an hour and 15 minutes.
Not bad work for a legal resource.

Doing salt (with processing and going back to the mine to fill up again) you can make £1 mill in about an hour and 15 minutes.
Not bad work for a legal resource.
Are you likely to get robbed at the processor? Is it anything like what the weed processor used to be like for being robbed?

Are you likely to get robbed at the processor? Is it anything like what the weed processor used to be like for being robbed?
You're more likely to come across a bunch of people who only want to ruin someone's day at the Salt mine, rather than the processing. (I have quite high processing so can do it in about 1 minute, so the chances of me getting robbed at the processing are slim).

I've probably done about 50 odd runs in my Huron, only ever had a problem once or twice.

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You're more likely to come across a bunch of people who only want to ruin someone's day at the Salt mine, rather than the processing. (I have quite high processing so can do it in about 1 minute, so the chances of me getting robbed at the processing are slim).

I've probably done about 50 odd runs in my Huron, only ever had a problem once or twice.
+1 Very rarely do anything other than salt, it's good money and low risk
