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Any Interesting idea's.

As a PCSO when I feel the need to contact someone who is higher up than me about what sort of punishment is given out for a certain crime I always role play it. I mention to the person I have restrained that I will contact a higher up through my radio and then I use my TeamSpeak and contact any higher-up I can find. Once I've obtained the information I need I'll relay it to my supporting PCSO (Hutch) and then deliver a sentence.

I do agree with some posts in here though, training is too easy. After going through the modules I felt that I still didn't know a lot of things about the Police Force.

I also agree about the fear and confusion part, as a PCSO I found it nerve-racking when I started with Hutch. So much that I missed important things because I wasn't prepared for the amount of noise on TeamSpeak and in-game. So much so that I was berated by an off duty officer for not punishing someone for pulling out his gun and threatening him. I could only see the gun being pulled out and that could've been anything due to the ARMA engine, all because I was really trying not to make a mistake and trying to get everything right.

Okey to be as clear as possible then, if u have issues with rebels or they just shoot maratek on sight, I think he will deal with it. 

As for the example of crowdcontroll training. Pick a thrustworty gang and offer them money to cooperate in the training so they won't shoot, just do what they are told in the mission brief.

Stop beeing a bitch ffs.
BRC has done this in the past. Not sure who a viable candidate would be at the moment seeing as everyone is concerned with each other.(Trying to fix that.)

     Just few things that came to my mind:

  • Better CSO Training: focused on  how to act in every situation, how to roleplay properly, when to use each weapon, how to use whispers and communicate propperly etc... ---> This will create a better base for each cop.
  • Promotion to PCSO based on hours of patrol: lets say 5-10h, there should be designated higher rank officer that should go patrol with CSOs to watch them and teach them. After X hours of patrol with them the officers will decide if they are apt or not.
  • Better/more items per rank: if we have a better training we are making better cops that can be more trusted, that leads to the ability of having more different items than current ones. More items to unlock = more reasons to improve and rank up & more fun to play. Not saying 50cals to everyone or anything crazy, that should be discussed but at the momment feels very restricted and being a cop = loosing a big part of the game because of that.
  • More features: gas station / shop robberies, the ability to add infractions to someone / pardon him etc are features that would improve the action in the server and the fun for cops and for rebels. 

I have few more in mind but those would require to change the whole police system.

Another suggestion is to have more cops on the server. Its 17:23 and weekend and there is 1 cop online.

All officers should be better informed about changes that have happened or that are about to happen.
I miss some meetings because i'm in work so maybe a forum containing minutes of the meetings that have taken place.

For example, with Kavala having a smaller but proper safe zone, what should i do if i see a quadbike or helicopter driving/flying about?

I would also recommend advanced driving lessons. Police should know how to drive every vehicle comfortably and should be able to drive fast and be able to control the car at high speeds and in urban environments. This also goes on to that officers should have training on car chases and on how they deal with them and disable the vehicle safely (Pit manoeuvre's on Arma usually = Explosions!) :) .

Another suggestion is to have more cops on the server. Its 17:23 and weekend and there is 1 cop online.
Suggestion:- certain rebels should stop going around trolling in sports hatchbacks and killing the police on sight instead of just talking to us and start doing some proper rebel activities.
Maybe the fact that cops hate to play now because of zero role play from rebels, believe me we have a good time role playing with civs and then some rebel trolls in a hatch full with armed men race past and start doing doughnuts, so we chase them and then when we persue them all we get is them racing ahead (sports hatch vs SUV) and pulling up a few houndred meters away jumping out an then just open firing at the police car... Great role play!

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     Just few things that came to my mind:

  • Better CSO Training: focused on  how to act in every situation, how to roleplay properly, when to use each weapon, how to use whispers and communicate propperly etc... ---> This will create a better base for each cop.
  • Promotion to PCSO based on hours of patrol: lets say 5-10h, there should be designated higher rank officer that should go patrol with CSOs to watch them and teach them. After X hours of patrol with them the officers will decide if they are apt or not.
  • Better/more items per rank: if we have a better training we are making better cops that can be more trusted, that leads to the ability of having more different items than current ones. More items to unlock = more reasons to improve and rank up & more fun to play. Not saying 50cals to everyone or anything crazy, that should be discussed but at the momment feels very restricted and being a cop = loosing a big part of the game because of that.
  • More features: gas station / shop robberies, the ability to add infractions to someone / pardon him etc are features that would improve the action in the server and the fun for cops and for rebels. 

I have few more in mind but those would require to change the whole police system.

Thing is... Every training I do, or I see zippey do takes about 3 hours... that's not including module 5...

and I make them roleplay every situation I can think of, however, the training guide is changing, just waiting to see all the changes in 5.0, thing is, I think there's a lot of people seeking the bounty more than the RP..... I understand if restart is 60 seconds away and the guy's calling for a so-called lawyer dressed as a hobo... yeah, give em rabbit n tea, off to jail they pop.....

lol, seemed to have revived a dead post.... lol... 

For cop training, there should be a couple of cool additions: 

1: Drone target practice. To assess a recruits shooting ability.
2: More RP training for cops. - What we have now is great but if a plyers roleplay is weak in the first place, they may need more help to not be totally shit. 

With 5.0 release, we may allow a separate training, joint with TFU Grade A Marksmen, for those whom need support aiming.

Essentially, the CSO & PCSO ranks are for them to learn to roleplay, they key rank being CSO, they cant shoot first and ask questions later, I'd really love for rebels to try to engage in roleplay with them and maybe provide me with feedback on their progress.

I know the cops ask a lot, that I ask a lot, but at the end of the day, its's to further develop your roleplay.

Yeah, I have noticed that for the most part, rebels feel they can do what they like, where they like. 

There should be a bit more respect. I think a bit of banter would go a long way. Neither side can always win but it could be made into a fun experience if both sides showed a little respect. 

... And not get all bent out of shape and butthurt if it does not pan out for them. 
