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Anyway to reset my progress?


Active member
Suffolk, sadly
I played Altis Life for quite a few hours around 2014 but I stopped because all my data was being reset each time I joined the server. I've decided to get back into the server (thankfully my data now saves) but when I joined I had £700,000, a HEMTT, 2x box trucks, and 2x pickups. I asked in OOC chat quickly and its suspected that (some of) my data has somehow carried over. Is there anyway I can delete or get my progress deleted, so that I can have a fresh start?

The simplest way would be to sell your Vehicles at the garage and give 500k away to a hobo. That would basically take to what you would have as though you had just logged in for the very first time.

Perhaps if management is feeling generous they will agree to wipe your account or you could also just give all your money and trucks away.

You take your money out of your ATM and then you go into your inventory, select all the money and give it away.

Sorry, I'm still not following. I assume you mean an NPC and not a player? I only have the option to give to players, pressing "Give" or "Remove" shows either no player selected or you didn't select anything to remove

on the left side stands your money, there is an option to give the amount you type of money to a person you select from the list of nearby peepz. then press give
