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[AR]Kevinm10 - unban appeal (Denied)

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Your In-game name: [AR]Kevinm10

Your Steam Profile ID: kevinm10

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 76561198034964468

Date & Time you was banned: within last hour

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: RDM

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: love playing the server never thought id get banned for killing drug smugglers who were smocking weed infron of police before police drove off and let them keep their 4 vans full without even pulling them over i know i shouldnt of shot the man i killed but i did ask them to put the joint out i only started playing last few days and fairly new to this it wont happen again it is my first and last ban as it wont happen again i will read the rules another 2 times to make sure sorry again

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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NO you have been RDMING everyone, you knocked me out for no reason and then robbed me then ran away.

there was no RP involved at all. i recommend you go play king of the hill

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i am a new player and keep forgetting to press the arrow keys to change the chat fr4om vehicle chat, i am still learning the ropes of the game mode and will definetley not make any more mistakes as i doont want a repeat of this sorry

i will even become a donator to stay in this server its the only game mode i like playing and the only lifew sesrver i enjoy

i have read the rules again and again please let me back on i wont disrespect server rules again and will make myself properly known in the future without mistakes

Ok. Here is whatI recommend for you.

1. Read all rules line by line word for word.

2. Understand that just because someone is doing something illegal does not mean u have the right to shoot someone.

3. Don't carry a gun until you understand how the server works / game works.

4. Watch this beautiful video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsh9yvzdn4c

5. Always RP 

thanks for that read the appeal rules there and missed that one out although i did see this one :)

  • The appeal is for the person appealing and the admin team only, Anyone commenting on an appeal will receive a warning point
NO you have been RDMING everyone, you knocked me out for no reason and then robbed me then ran away.

there was no RP involved at all. i recommend you go play king of the hill
Robbing someone is not RDM right or is it?

Clear rule break, followed by a spammed unban appeal


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