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ARAC - Filming


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United Kingdom
Ello ello!

Been away working, but I'm back this weekend doing a small bit of filming on the ARAC this weekend for the new guide... Any dedicated groups or individuals who enjoy doing the ole ARAC patrol?... I'm Looking for two lovely mechanics to follow around Altis for an hour or so. 

Cheers all.

- Stoneman

I'm totally not the one you looking for but can't wait till I can watch these videos!

I would love to do that! 

the only problem is that my voice is very light so i sound like a small baby

I can change the oil,clutch, I can have a look inside the engine. If you want to contact me send me a message:  +44 kraul-best-mechanic

or you can find me at kRaulIsTheBestMechanic.org   or ARACRPUK.com/Fashion-Mechanics-2018/kRaul


kRaul is the best mechanic S.R.L. Company of ARAC Services

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You do a pretty amazing job on your guides to be honest, especially the editing and the camera movement. I would love to see the ARAC guide. It would help hobos out alot more.
