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The Flexer
Lifetime Donator
Hey guys ...

People don't get it, you are not meant to crash your car.

If it was me, there wouldn't be any kits available or very expensive. People don't play ARAC because everyone can repair their own car. You should care about it, nowadays people just go full speed because they can repair it easily.. now if you have to wait for someone to repair it, you would go slowly.

If you take that away, everything works. But even if make them expensive so people have to spend money to repair there car. In real life it is expensive. That's would make ARAC more better becuase they will get called more and also it will be better for the role play because paying more money for you car. You should take care of your car.

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Another good suggestion, I agree but many would disagree!

Something for us to consider in the framework (price of repair kits/availability on map)

Another good suggestion, I agree but many would disagree!

Something for us to consider in the framework (price of repair kits/availability on map)
Believe me people should take care of there car make the repair kits a lot more expensive and people would start to care for it and then ARAC would get called out more as well.

Another good suggestion, I agree but many would disagree!

Something for us to consider in the framework (price of repair kits/availability on map)
would i be right in saying you have 15 days to consider/ implement? (end of Q1)

I agree, Charli3FTW. By raising the price of repair kits, people are less likely to crash there car as they know they would have to pay a lot to repair their car (just like in RL!) I would suggest however, that ARAC get repair kits for a cheaper price in order for them to be able to afford quite a few of them as I personally always have my vehicle stocked with them (I am ARAC) in case I bump into anyone that needs help.

would i be right in saying you have 15 days to consider/ implement? (end of Q1)
Just because they say the frame work will be out in the Q1, does not mean it will all come out by then. It will come out piece by piece when the admins are ready to realease it. 

I can safely say something like this would not be implemented in 15 days , as all things take lots of meeting etc before even considering implementing it.

I agree, Charli3FTW. By raising the price of repair kits, people are less likely to crash there car as they know they would have to pay a lot to repair their car (just like in RL!) I would suggest however, that ARAC get repair kits for a cheaper price in order for them to be able to afford quite a few of them as I personally always have my vehicle stocked with them (I am ARAC) in case I bump into anyone that needs help.
I agree what you said I hope they take this into consideration! 

That's almost word for word what Mr Cardoso said in a similar thread? 

I thnk (as a taxi driver) it should be left where it is, but which licence coming down to 750k or maybe same as rebel? 

I still have a job even though folks have cars and quads, i advertise when Im im online and when In going off, generally when i say "altis  Taxi online" within 2 minutes I get my first jb... Usually can you take me to the airport or gun store! 

I dont think there's too much tweaking to do; benefits wise is it more beneficial to be in a gang or more beneficial to RP a repair man? Once you restore some form of equilibrium - things will improve. 

Maybe restricting repairs to over 60% damage requires Arac;  tool kit won't do it back to 100% with out "engineer/Arac" status. 

Cost of repair 1500.

So what about us cops who go around speeding a lot, to get to whatever incident is occuring, or get in car chases etc. It would be pretty gamebreaking if we had to wait for ARAC to come everytime we hit a fence :p

You must value your car and love your car then it won't crash (like you are meant to value your life!)

You must value your car and love your car then it won't crash (like you are meant to value your life!)
I'm aware of that, but its still a game, and people will roleplay fearing for their lives, but crashes happen regardless. Sometimes its not even our own fault, rebels might shoot a tire out or push us off the road etc.

Yesterday I was in persuit of a truck, that ended up ramming me, so theres not always something you can do about it.

I agree and disagree.

I like the idea of it, but arma would need much better driving controls and physics before Id be 100% behind it.
No steering wheel support, and such sluggish response time on cars using keyboard.

75% of the time I crash a car it wasn't because of careless driving, it was because:
I hit a tiny hump  on the road (obviously covered in vaseline) because doing 60km/h and all of a sudden no wheels have traction other than to slide wildly for 100m.
I hit a bush turning around slowly, and now both my tires are gone.
Someone died in the road and left a potato sack filled with what I can only assume to be the ultra dense matter from the heart of a white dwarf star, around a corner you dont see until too late.
Someone I'm driving towards/behind desyncs and taps my bumper sending me flipping out of control.

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Well actually police and medics in real life come these emergency repair kits so to say. Plus I 100% agree this idea, it would actually help with making people smarter on driving speeds and self awareness.

It adds to the realism, if I truck rammed you in real life you wouldn't be able to carry on 2 minutes later

If the price of repair kits would be put higher then the 15 minute pay check should be higher for civilians

It adds to the realism, if I truck rammed you in real life you wouldn't be able to carry on 2 minutes later
Adding to realism isnt always a good thing.

If someone gets shot in the head, should they also not be able to be revived because its unrealistic?

Also, as has been mentioned before, its not always your own fault when it happens.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to completely shoot down the idea, but to completely remove repair kits as you said you'd do if it was up to you, is a really bad idea imo. and I'll explain why;

99% of the ways to earn money in altislife is done by a vehicle of some sort, meaning a good portion of the server will be doing it. And as mentioned before, a lot of the time when your vehicle crashes, its not your own fault, so it WILL happen regardless of there being no repair kits. This will mean that we will likely need over 10 people playing as ARAC, to avoid having people wait an hour to get their vehicle fixed. And this isn't something I see to be likely.

But increasing the cost or w/e is a fine idea.
