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ARAC / Taxi's Coming Soon

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While it'd be nice to have some scripting implemented with taxis, it really isn't needed. Just make someone pay you while they're still in the vehicle, and if they refuse to pay then simply keep the car locked and take him to the popo. 
I agree and was thinking about something similar for the ARAC so that the customer would have to pay first and then would get his vehicle fixed.

Ohh and Btw. are any of these allowed to carry a weapon ? Maybe a pistol in the backpack?

I agree and was thinking about something similar for the ARAC so that the customer would have to pay first and then would get his vehicle fixed.

Ohh and Btw. are any of these allowed to carry a weapon ? Maybe a pistol in the backpack?
Simples, get them to pay first before repairing lol. If it's someone who doesn't look legit then obviously its your decision, but really if they're all geared up properly with good RP and the AARC vehicle then what can you do.

I can also imagine a lot of taxi drivers speeding to gain more income! Which in some sense could bring some great role play if they get caught by the police or crash their vehicle in the process haha! 

Imagine the pissed off customer if you crash ;) I would ask for a refund if they crashed haha or discount.

In relation to that vehicle skin. Cardoso you're gonna want to remove the text from the side logo, it'll appear flipped in-game. 

Depends what part of the world you live in
Which country have you seen a heli taxi ? 

Because in England i have definitely never seen a blackheli as in blackcab

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When do you think the new taxi's and mechanics will be added in ?

will the taxis be able to drive wanted criminals around (sorry cant spell) and can the arac repair wanted suspects cars

Which country have you seen a heli taxi ? 

Because in England i have definitely never seen a blackheli as in blackcab
I've never seen heli taxi's but there are private jets and helicopters that famous/wealthy people use :D

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my question is how will paying work for taxis I think it would work best how the police set fines to people.

Customer: Hi can you drive me to kav police station from the airport

Driver: (figures out his cost) Yeah sure that will be "X"

Window pops up on customers screen saying the price asking if they wish to pay or refuse (same way as police fines just doesnt send people to jail)

Same Idea with repair guys with the same window.

I think this would work best if it takes there money out of there bank account and just RP saying you got a credit card machine in the car

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An automatic fare system based on the distance would be nice to prevent exploitation, because let's face it, anyone with a gun will not pay.

There will be some rules around them, Its nearing completion

I will be role-playing as an Indian taxi driver and im ready to argue with you at the taxi rank.

The police will carrying out mandatory meter checks to disqualify any taxi drivers who think they can fix their meters. 

There will be some rules around them, Its nearing completion

I will be role-playing as an Indian taxi driver and im ready to argue with you at the taxi rank.
@Wilco Somebody asked how to become a taxi driver in side chat.

I really had to restrain myself from answering "Get a turban" A little bit racist regardless of truth LOL

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