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Are lawyers aloud?


Hey guys like the topic says are lawyers aloud when a police pulles someone over and charges them for a valid reason. IMO i think this should not be aloud and if so it shoud be put in the rules because if you play a police in the game you know that we dont have all the time in the world to spend 20 min fighting it over when the guy got witnesed robbing someone and after finding out his name that hes on the wanted list. It wastes alot of time for us. Yes its good rp but we dont have the time to fight out the case with another guy saying its his lawyer. I think it should stick between the guy whos arrested and the police. Can an admin clear this topic up? Thanks and what do you guys think about this

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Hey guys like the topic says are lawyers aloud when a police pulles someone over and charges them for a valid reason. IMO i think this should not be aloud and if so it shoud be put in the rules because if you play a police in the game you know that we dont have all the time in the world to spend 20 min fighting it over when the guy got witnesed robbing someone and after finding out his name that hes on the wanted list. It wastes alot of time for us. Yes its good rp but we dont have the time to fight out the case with another guy saying its his lawyer. I think it should stick between the guy whos arrested and the police. Can an admin clear this topic up? Thanks and what do you guys think about this
Just ticket/jail the suspect and tell the lawyer he can't do anything to change the situation, since you're a officer and officers don't deal with lawyers.

Did that and they started complaining that thats fail RP so just want to get this cleared up because im getting sick of this (IMO) BS way of trying to get their mate out of jail. I just feel like they do this to troll

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Lighten up Coltas it's a roleplay server, me and my freinds have used Lawyers before not to piss off the police or waste time, we know it's going to fail but it's fun and it adds a lot more depth to the roleplay when you have a well informed lawyer ask DI.End about his roleplay with Parafix yesterday it was brilliant and both parties enjoyed it, the game shouldn't be about who can kill the most civs/cops and which cop can arrest the most rebels/civs, in the least amount of time, it should be about genuine good roleplay, their are plenty of servers out there that are all for killing and arrest eachother no questions asked, but in fairness some people can abuse roleplay and just get some troll down to talk rubbish to the police but for those doing proper roleplay I don't see why it would be a problem 

The Government of Altis does not recognise any lawyers currently.

Unfortunately due to the way the game is and the send to prison feature the police are the judge and jury to the laws.

The only thing we could have is a police complaints commission but that is upto Killerabbit as it would require staff.

However if some police are happy to entertain an unofficial lawyer for some roleplay then i guess thats good :)

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Lighten up Coltas it's a roleplay server, me and my freinds have used Lawyers before not to piss off the police or waste time, we know it's going to fail but it's fun and it adds a lot more depth to the roleplay when you have a well informed lawyer ask DI.End about his roleplay with Parafix yesterday it was brilliant and both parties enjoyed it, the game shouldn't be about who can kill the most civs/cops and which cop can arrest the most rebels/civs, in the least amount of time, it should be about genuine good roleplay, their are plenty of servers out there that are all for killing and arrest eachother no questions asked, but in fairness some people can abuse roleplay and just get some troll down to talk rubbish to the police but for those doing proper roleplay I don't see why it would be a problem
I understand what your saying fyi im not complaining about you guys your roll play is good im talking about another case where the guy used the lawyer to compleatly troll the shit out of us

If then lawyer has good rp and a valid point the fair enough but you have no idea how many people use the lawyer bs to just troll / waste time

I would love having lawyers and it gives alot of immersion to the game, we can lay some ground rules but i think they should be allowed.

I don't want to see it as a profession but, if someone is actually has a degree in law (like i already saw someone having it) he would had right to argue over cases, who knows maybe even a court someday! :p

Imagine after making a post in the forums about being unbanned, you would have to go to court with a proper lawyer and roleplay the whole situation, now THAT i would love to see.

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Lastly crazykiller if you guys are refused a lawyer you cant just say fuck it im killing all the cops in a city. You have to claim the attack with an admin before you can start shooting all cops in sight because if im not wrong thats RDM. Just letting you know

See my other posts about Lawyers on Altis. They'll turn up in Search, I'm sure.

To my mind, anyone trying to be a lawyer must accept that they need to be there at the time of the arrest, and they need to talk clearly and fast, and state their client's case pronto. The cop is too busy to sit around waiting for a lawyer to drive across map. The cop is too busy to sit there and listen to the lawyer explain what he had for breakfast and how that impacts the cop's judgement.

Cops should take great delight in arresting troll-lawyers for obstruction of police in the course of their duties, if the lawyer takes the piss and is just timewasting so that some pre-arranged rebel can come into the picture and cap the cop's ass.

The law of appeal in Altis works retrospectively. You're jailed or fined (if the cop deems it so) and THEN you can speak to your lawyer and work out if you've got a case. All legal arguments should be told to the Jailer NPC, preferably on paper in triplicate, in blue or black ink. Statements on crayon will not be accepted. The Jailer will decide (usually after about 10 mins or so) whether or not to let the defendant off with a plea-bargain.

In some very rare cases, an appeal can be lodged in the forum, but only in cases where RDM or VDM has caused an outcome different to what would've happened if players had all just been RPing without interruption.

For the most part, though, lawyers can TRY - but they have no actual powers. The cops have the powers. That's the LAW. Some cops abuse them; most don't. Some cops make mistakes; most don't. Generally, the people who 'fall foul' of the cops usually instigated something that caused the cop to push back harder, and it's a known fact that all defendants on Altis lie, or at least leave out key information that incriminates them, when asked for the facts of an event. Stay out of trouble, and the cops will leave you alone - it's usually that simple.

Life is hard on Altis. 'Twas ever thus...

Words are more powerful than any weapon, using them clearly and wisely can change the table.

As i said before, would love to see role playing as lawyers, who knows even a firm but like Ed said and i would like to point it again, lawyers have no real power but i do believe cops will listen if you present good valid arguments instead of saying "Release my client".

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Can we get a suit skin for my character & as soon as we get Paramedics I intend to follow them around so that when they attend an accident I can say .

Hi I am from Altis Injury Lawyers  & we offer a no win no fee service for accidents that you claim are not your fault. ;)    

Lawyers, really? It's sotra taking the fun out of things. You might as well set up a payday loan shop, and start taxing us 33% of our money for the government. :)

Plus, Wouldn't everyone use lawyers as target practice? I know I would.

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Can we get a suit skin for my character & as soon as we get Paramedics I intend to follow them around so that when they attend an accident I can say .

Hi I am from Altis Injury Lawyers  & we offer a no win no fee service for accidents that you claim are not your fault. ;)    
Love it there needs to be a number in the Cell phone for you  :p

They're troll machines if their defense lawyers,what you really need is a prosecution lawyer to counter the trolls and speed up the incarceration process. I found a degree under a rock in Kastro if anyone needs a prosecution lawyer. XD

Honestly I love the idea of a lawyer for added RP.

We did play out the lawyer card the other day but you might say we weren't traditional lawyers, one of our guys was pulled over for speeding so we redirected our Hummingbord full of *lawyers* towards him.

We arrived and *convinced* PCSO Charlie to drop the charges which he did promptly along with his clothes and anything else he had. We then consulted the situation amongst ourselves and came to an agreement that the PCSO should serve the prison time for us which he agreed to.

We *escorted* him to the lovely prison and dropped him off which he then glad fully thanked one of our members with some unspeakable action that will haunt me.

All in all we were having a laugh and both parties enjoyed it thoroughly, we even had his senior officers come have a good laugh with us that no one else had ever done that before.

On a serious note I like the idea of lawyers but it ultimately will have no point as the cops always have their database to back them up and no lawyer can beat that.

Yeah I know but to

Lastly crazykiller if you guys are refused a lawyer you cant just say fuck it im killing all the cops in a city. You have to claim the attack with an admin before you can start shooting all cops in sight because if im not wrong thats RDM. Just letting you know
Yeah fair enough Coltas, I have never requested a lawyer personally however if your wanted for murder, drugs, various other terroism related crimes I think it is within roleplay to threaten the police of an attack once you are out of jail, I don't condone going round Kavala like a madman killing everyone obviously but seeking some sort of vengance is within roleplay, I think lawyers should be allowed in civil crimes such as vehicle manslaughter, theiving vehicles, things like that 

I personally use lawyers all the time, this is not to troll (even though officers like to use the word against me alot). The RP element of it is key to an arrest, Our Altis is being run by mostly British law, eye witness accounts coming from the person making the arrest is making a biased decision on the punishment, the need for evidence, cross examination etc makes being arrested not just "you've been tazed now you are fucked" but actually enjoyable, there is also many cases where cops break there regulations due to being new to the service or just have a shitty day, but if they do the person being arrested has the right to have someone defend him or defend himself and actually have a chance of walking way with a lesser punishment or no punishment at all. There has been several cases where my lawyer has defended me perfectly and should have won the case but by that point the officers get bored and go "sod it" we'll throw him in jail now, and i have been compensated each time by the police higher ups who obviously have more experience with this sort of RP and can be a bit more patient with it.

The only problem I have seen with this is time, like jacko said above time is a precious comodity, I'd love to play each arrest out perfectly but when there is only 9-15 police on your sat in the station with someone who has done the crime listening to the case you have gunshots to the left explosions to the right hostages (becoming a far to common occurrence in my opinion to be honest) need saving negotiating a bank robbery and then a troll refusing to leave the area so you can actually deal with a situation, I'd love the chance and each bit of roleplay I do I enjoy after all it's why I joined but taking 1-2 cops off the beat to spend half an hour for someone that did run drugs Dave (the drug dealer)

And Jeanette or father mcDoogle (the witnesses across the street) listen how it wasn't there fault they didn't do it it's been a mistake...

Bring on a good lawyer rp we can always spare the time then but if your gonna stand there telling me to unrestrain someone without valid cause that's just wasting police time in my opinion.
