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Arma 3 Epoch - Server #4 Online

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The King
Lifetime Donator

You voted for it ... we have delivered!, Introducing our very own EpochMod server for Arma 3, Within the next few hours I will setup a teamspeak area dedicated to Epoch.

You need to download and install @Epoch mod which you can download from HERE

Restart times will follow the same as the main servers.

Hope you enjoy and see you on Epoch.

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Its Epoch... im sure some people will try roleplaying however expect the worse most times.

But overpoch 


Nice to have a epoch server though, nice work.

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Maybe... Seeing it is not a mod we can just add and run its something that would need coding and time spent to turn it into something of our own.

Not sure we want to spend that much time on something other than altis life right now.... we will see how it goes with Epoch and if its popular or not.

@Wilco , i think that adding epoch has yet again increased how top notch the service you and the administrative team are providing. hand clap to all of you for your hard work.

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hmm yet to try an arma 3 dayz out may give it a go at somepoint

Is it safe to assume that if I am banned from one of your servers, I am banned from all servers? Never played Epoch on Arma3 and wouldn't mind having a stab at it.

Time to start base raiding again :D

A little story, when i started playing arma was due to arma 2 dayz epoch.

We were a little group on 4 persons, me, Cool, Sitdown and Ricki playing on a high populated server, and again we were a small group but a feared and deadly one, due to our coordination, and shooting skills.

We found out techniques to gather money fast, and money are power in this feature, and then we met a german clan, which declared war against us, we were 4 they were 12, but we managed to keep them down on minimal due to daily base raids and then after months playing on the server we ended up in overtaking the server due to the owner did not want to work on it anymore, so we took over the server and added things our self (Custom made file packs) and we started to get players, sadly enough he closed down the server without any notice so we had to start up our own from the scratch but it took some time, and then we were more busy setting it up, than actually enjoy it ourself.

We then decided to start play arma 3 because they had something familiar, called Alits Life and we started up in here, starting off as KoA, the gang before LoA, and we all know how that turned out.

I am now a part of the PLF since every member i used to play with are gone, Cool and Sitdown, sitdown are busy working out in the gym so he dont have time to play, and cool are banned and wont come back, so i have only Ricki left, so now i think it is time for me

to prove for some PLF members that we shall take over the Epoch server.

But to the admin crew Epoch server for arma 3, i have been searching a long time for it but heard it was closed down by the game developers. and they only had Breaking Point, which was almost the same, but i have  a question

Is this Epoch mod, just like the arma 2 dayz epoch or how is it since i havent got the chance to check myself yet.

If you need a hand setting things up, custom builds etc, you can just let me know. '

- PLF Slacky

Nothing here will be custom apart from a couple of billboards, this server will update along with the main build from EpochMod.com

All right i look forward to test it out tomorrow when i get home from work! :D

(Yes this is what i do while i am working :D )

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