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Arma Game Mechanics & DIRTY ERNIE (Action: Bans Issued 29/01/2015)

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Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Arma Game Mechanics &  DIRTY ERNIE
Time & Date this happened: 25.01.2015 - 21:29 GMT
Which Server did this happen on: ALUK Server 1
Description of what happened:
Please refer to the footage. I sped up the video at the beginning to show you i had no previous encounters with the guys I just came upon it.
I was on my to the airfield when I saw the gates down at a checkpoint. There was a red car and a dead guy on the road. (TIME CODE: 00:09)
It looked like a trap so being in an off road I decided to go around it. On the way around I noticed a red off road truck and a guy running from it with a weapon in his hand (TIME CODE: 00:18 - 00:20) - chance for some RP!... so I decided to get out and see. 
On my way out of my car because the guy had a gun I ran to the other side of my vehicle just to be safe, I never pointed the weapon at the guy. In the video you hear the guy randomly take a shot at me, he initiated RDM (TIME CODE: 00:38) .
I did what everyone else would of done and shot back, he engaged me first i did what was natural, it would be in RP also. Many times I've been in this situation, and when I try to RP with voice, i die. I'm not being killed for nothing again.
As I was looting his body another guy just decided to shoot me in the head, i had no previous with him either, there was no RP from him. He had the 1 up on me and could of RP'd with me, i would of dropped everything if he'd asked.
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, server died.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
0dcefda59e7c0a6a68040fa4dfb79979 -1 Arma Game Mechanics - Forum Report 29/01/2015
c1c1357ad64a3c44de75b6ee45ddfb35 -1 DIRTY ERNIE - Forum Report 29/01/2015
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