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ARMA Taking Ages to Load Up + Kicks Me Off


East Midlands Airport
When I load ARMA up, via the Launcher, it takes me to the faction menu, no issues with that. ARMA then loads up. It takes longer than it should and either closes ARMA with a memory error, crashes or eventually loads up 15 minutes later than it should have and then kicks me off the game, having to repeat the process again 10 more times.. Literally.

It is annoying because when I want to go on Police Patrol, I can't because of this.......
Any help would be great! :)

I've been getting the same thing recently aswell..

I just keep trying until I can get onto the server.. Normally takes me about 3/4 attempts though which is kinda annoying

My arma won't even start. Reinstalling now. (6 hours to reinstall )

So any fixes that actually worked? Or is there no way to fix it and I am never going to get into it again. I've just tried to log onto Tanoa and that works fine. So it's just Altis.


when I try to enter the server you automatically I 'm kicked . I've tried many times but only appears the phrase " you were kicked the game ( BattlEye : adimin kick ( OOC abuse -be Cumble on 08.15.2016 ) ) . . What do I do ?

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I've been getting the same thing recently aswell..

I just keep trying until I can get onto the server.. Normally takes me about 3/4 attempts though which is kinda annoying
Same happens here as well.. Strange enough sometimes I can get in at the first attempt, some other times I need up to 5/6.. I've read on another topic about someone's miraculous capacities to get it sorted out tho. 

Would you help us @Lincoln? :)


when I try to enter the server you automatically I 'm kicked . I've tried many times but only appears the phrase " you were kicked the game ( BattlEye : adimin kick ( OOC abuse -be Cumble on 08.15.2016 ) ) . . What do I do ?
Are you using a VPN or IP changer? Or you may have been banned a long time ago.

when I try to enter the server you automatically I 'm kicked . I've tried many times but only appears the phrase " you were kicked the game ( BattlEye : adimin kick ( OOC abuse -be Cumble on 08.15.2016 ) ) . . What do I do ?
It probably is that you have been banned. You can check on your stats page to see if you are banned or not, and see the notes of the ban like why you were banned. In this instance you were probably banned for bad language in OOC Chat or something along those lines. You should make a Unban Appeal here.

ive had this same problem the solution is (i know it sounds weird but) open the editor place a few units and play for a minute then try again the strangest bug fix if seen but it works

Hello everyone.

So your arma crashing on joining RPUK.

Here are some solution you can try. This is no promises it will work but atleast it gives you something to work with.

1) when you crashed restart your arma and join a other server or start a single player game. Play for a few minutes then stop and try to join the server again.

2) still you crash. End the game and check your integrity of Arma. Try to join when check is completed.

3) still crashing. End the game and reboot steam. Make sure its really off.

If this still dossent help combine the 3 points and try it again. 

End the game. Check integratie let everthing download. Restart steam. Join other server or start single player game. End the game and join RPUK

If this all dose not help i wish you good luck as this is as far as we ( support/staff ) known all you can do.

Good luck.

I've been getting the same thing recently aswell..

I just keep trying until I can get onto the server.. Normally takes me about 3/4 attempts though which is kinda annoying

It probably is that you have been banned. You can check on your stats page to see if you are banned or not, and see the notes of the ban like why you were banned. In this instance you were probably banned for bad language in OOC Chat or something along those lines. You should make a Unban Appeal here.

My arma won't even start. Reinstalling now. (6 hours to reinstall )
If your Arma is still crashing this (should) fix it. :)
