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Automatic Awards (Rejected)

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Actions Have Consequences
Lifetime Donator
Some awards, such as the Wilco and St. David's Day awards are only given if a person logs in on that day, and doesn't give it to them if they remain logged in from previous days.

For example: I was online for Wilco's birthday, but no award (which I'd love to have given to me please! :p). Was still logged in today, and no award until I signed out and then logged back in. As soon as I did that, automatic award given.

Is there a way to give the awards out to everyone logged in on that day, rather than just those that physically log in?

On the subject of awards, am I limited to showing 9? I want to show them all off!

All the automatic awards on particular days are triggered by logging out and logging in (your browser storing your session doesnt count as logging in), I have advised this a few times, its the way the forums work.

The topic view limits to 9 awards to ensure we do not have weighted topics of space, All your awards are shown off on your profile :)

Moving to rejected as this is not a bug, forums working how intended.

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