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i am discusted by the police on here,complete ass holes wont let u get a vehciles from spawn points so i get banned.

The police are brilliant on here... but do you want to know why you was banned ?

The Police are held to standards unlike you rebs you have to be at a certain skill level to even get white listed let alone carry a simple tazer if you got banned most likely you did something wrong and are now trying to use the police as a scape goat but that can get the officers you use as the goat in trouble even if they did their job to spec because at the end of the day its about performance not only being noticed by your superior officers as doing a good job but by the rest of the community. so long story short you fucked up and cant own up to the consequences maybe if you did a unban request and showed you are willing to change have changed and would be mature about it instead of blaming other people you could come back on the server but this post does not show that you are wiling to accept you mistakes. so good luck i guess and don't blame your mistakes on other people

Good thing this guy got banned with attitude like this.

Besides; Wilco was spectating you for your ban reason.

OK well it sounds like i have a better head on my shoulders to me. because i would take responsibility for my actions instead of blaming it on other people and crying about it. you age does not matter its you mind that does and if you cannot yet comprehend responsibility and own up to your actions you should learn how to right quick.

and i am not trying to say you don't have responsibilities you most likely have a lovely family and job but do not say the police are crap when you may have made a mistake 

So if he is 18 he is a kid ?
My niece is 18... i see her as a kid... yes to some people 18-19 is a very very young person.

This guy however is apparently 43 years old.

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i think theres issues when youre posting my name on youtube,i am pretty sure i have a legal case about that.

Enjoy your legal case.

You use that username and you published your name on your profile.

Topic locked.

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For the record this member went ahead and PM'ed me swearing, i have therefore issued a website ban.

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